Autism Society of North Carolina Chapters – one person’s experience

Posts Tagged ‘autism advocacy’

Autism Society of North Carolina Chapters – one person’s experience

Editor’s note: The following article is from Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) Parent Advocate  Amy Perry. We appreciate her contribution! The Autism Society of North Carolina was formed by a group of parents in 1970 in hopes of finding support with each other and creating better opportunities for their children. Today ASNC has 45…

Autism Society of NC Advocacy at the Whitehouse!

Editor’s note: the following article was submitted by Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) Parent Advocate Judy Smithmyer. Judy, along with ASNC Director of Government Relations Jennifer Mahan, attended last Monday’s White House Autism Summit. This is Judy’s account of that eventful day. On April 25th 2011 I had the opportunity to participate in a…

April is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month During the month of April, the Autism Society of North Carolina encourages the public to learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the resources available to individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. Autism affects 1 out of every 110 children born today, making it the second most…

Awareness Day at the General Assembly Changed to May 3

Save the Date for Autism Awareness Day! Mark your calendars now and join The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) at the for the 2011 Autism Awareness Day at the NC General Assembly on May 3rd from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.  We will have educational programs in the morning on legislative issues and ASNC staff and volunteers available…

Public Policy and Government Relations at the Autism Society of North Carolina

Greetings from the desk of the Director of Government Relations! My first couple of months at The Autism Society of North Carolina have been a whirlwind of activity. I’m grateful that I finally have a chance to start addressing policy questions in our blog and let everyone know what is happening in public policy for people…

Finding Childcare for Children with Disabilities

This issue is particularly challenging in Wake County right now, as the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) recently began enforcing a policy (Board Policy # 7125) on the books: refusing to transport children beyond their districted school’s boundaries to afterschool centers.  Until recently, children could be bused to their afterschool program even if it was outside…

Be Your Child’s Best Advocate! Application Deadline December 31

Join the ranks of parents and self-advocates who have been trained through the NC Partners in Policymaking!  Learn to advocate at all levels: locally, regionally, and nationally.  This is a no-cost opportunity that is truly outstanding.  You will benefit, whether you’re a parent or an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability.  I was honored…

Department of Education and President Obama Speak Out and Take Action Against Bullying

Recent tragic suicides as the result of bullying have spurred President Obama and the Department of Education to speak out against bullying and to address these issues nationally.  At least two of these suicides were the result of anti-gay bullying, while others involved youth including those with disabilities.  Russlyn Ali, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights,…

Early Voting Ends Saturday, October 30

    As they say in Chicago, vote early and often!  Seriously, everyone should be encouraged to exercise their right and responsibility to vote in all elections.  I recently took my oldest son to vote in his second election; we studied the issues and the candidates together, then looked up our early polling station online. …