Budget Process Halted; State Budget Delayed until at least August House and Senate Budget Conferees have been named to work out differences between the two versions of the state budget (H259, the Appropriations Act for 2023-2025); however, negotiations have been delayed. Legislative leaders have cited differences over both tax cuts/revenue changes and non-budget legislation, including…
He Needed Something More, and We Found It at Camp Royall
As the mom of four Au-Somely unique children, I’m always trying to find the right path, the right therapies, and the right connections for them. Sometimes those connections are obvious and easy to come across, but others aren’t as clear. My 18-year-old son graduated from our homeschool in May 2022, and we began this journey…
New Space and New Energy for ACLE in Greensboro
In 2022, the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Greensboro services moved into a new building. As a result, the Autism Center for Life Enrichment (ACLE), our day program in Greensboro, received a makeover. ACLE’s new space includes so many opportunities for participants. There are rooms to practice a variety of skills – from a model…
Public Policy Update: Medicaid Expansion Bill Signed, House Budget Released, Make Your Voice Heard to Senate
Expansion Bill Passes, Signed by Governor: House Bill 76 Access to Healthcare Options was passed by the NC General Assembly March 23 and signed into law March 27. The bill would extend Medicaid benefits to people in the health care coverage gap, whose income is under 133% of the federal poverty levels and do not…
Ascend, Day Program for Adults, Opens in Asheville
The Autism Society of North Carolina’s newest day program for adults, Ascend, opened in Asheville in February. For Michael LePage, Regional Services Director, a day program for the Asheville area is a long-held dream. “Every year, people are graduating and falling off the services cliff,” he said. “It’s tough without those supports and natural structures….
Public Policy Update: Governor’s Budget Released, Medicaid Expansion Bill Advances, Medicaid Services Updates
On March 15, the Governor released his budget proposal. It is quite extensive, and in this entry, we have listed some highlights of items that have an impact on many people on the autism spectrum and their families and which address our public policy priorities. Health and Human Services $126 million for 2,000 more Innovations waiver…
Public Policy Update: Tailored Plans, NC Budget, and Medicaid Expansion
Tailored Plans Delayed until October 1, 2023 NC Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) announced that the new Tailored Plans under Medicaid will be delayed again, this time until October 1, 2023. Citing concerns that people would have difficulties using primary care physicians and specialty health care services (“network adequacy”) and that other…