A Passion for Music and Improving Lives

Posts Tagged ‘ASNC’

A Passion for Music and Improving Lives

The Jordan family of Elizabeth City took one of their passions, music, to raise money for another: improving the lives of people with autism. Their second annual NC Rock Autism Music Festival in summer 2018 raised more than $20,000! This year, theyā€™ll hold the third annual festival on August 3. Learn more about the musical…

Make the Most of Family Outings

Meaningfully participating in community outings is one of the most important areas that we can address, for any individual with or without autism. Community-based experiences provide opportunities to work on social skills, following instructions, transitioning appropriately, and otherwise learning how to just be around other people. But being in the community can be very stressful…

Ask Your Representatives to Support These Federal Bills

Below are brief summaries of bills introduced in Congress that would affect people with autism and their families. More information on each bill and other federal actions can be found on the Autism Society of Americaā€™s Action Center webpage. The Autism Society of North Carolina urges you to contact your members of Congress and ask…

Autism Awareness: We Are All Human

Iā€™m here to talk to you about autism awareness. The autism community could use the help of people who arenā€™t a part of it. People who have autism can talk and behave differently from people without it. If someone without autism knows that the person with autism theyā€™re talking to has it, theyā€™ll understand and…

Focus on Anxiety at the Annual Conference

Dr. Patrick Friman, who has more than 30 years of experience as a licensed psychologist, opened the Autism Society of North Carolinaā€™s annual conference with ā€œAnxiety and Sleep: Addressing Lifeā€™s Challenges.ā€ For those who were not able to attend his presentation in Charlotte, we are sharing highlights of the anxiety portion here. Dr. Friman began…

Visual Schedules Important Even as Children Grow Up

My son Logan is 18 years old, soon to turn 19. I have learned over the years how important it is to Logan to have a visual schedule. The schedule must be specific as well as complete. The details of his day must be spelled out and available for him to see. Not having something…

From Genes to Biology: What We Know and Why It Matters

Dr. John Spiro of the Simons Foundation presented on ā€œFrom Genes to Biology: What We Know and Why It Mattersā€ on Saturday, March 23, at the Autism Society of North Carolinaā€™s annual conference in Charlotte. For those who were not able to attend his presentation, we are sharing some of the highlights here. About 12…