Life with purpose.

When Stephen lost his job due to COVID, the employment supports staff helped him apply for a new position. Stephen works as a package handler and says it is his ā€œperfect job.ā€

Like many people, Stephen lost his job due to COVID. He wanted to use his skills to contribute to his community during the pandemic.

The employment supports staff at the Autism Society of North Carolina worked with Stephen on his interviewing skills, identified his career interests, and helped him apply for a job at IFB Solutions in Winston-Salem. Stephen started working as a package handler in April, ensuring that men and women in the U.S. military have the supplies they need.

Stephen says it is the ā€œperfect jobā€ for him, and he hopes more individuals with autism will be able to find meaningful work. ā€œWe have the skills, we have the talents, and we just want to be part of the community,ā€ he says.

Your gift brings us closer to connecting more adults with autism to their ā€œperfect job.ā€

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