
Speak Up for Fair Housing

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has commissioned a study on whether or not discrimination exists in the housing industry.  Doesn’t that just sound like a government study??  Do you think there might be some discrimination against “protected classes”?!?  Let’s have a study to ask that question!  Oh, wait, maybe we could just ask all the people with disabilities who can’t afford housing…

Sorry for the sarcasm—couldn’t help myself.  Anyway, it’s always good for policymakers to hear from those who have no services, no homes, or no income.  We can’t change the system if they don’t hear from us that the system is broken.  After all, isn’t fair housing a civil rights issue?

Western Economic Services (WES), the firm conducting the study on behalf of the state, is addressing these fair housing concerns in North Carolina.  WES has prepared an online survey for you to complete at your convenience.  It is located at this link:

Here’s the remainder of the information from the U.S. H.U.D.:

This survey should take less than 10 minutes and is related to impediments to fair housing choice in your community. Your input concerning fair housing is essential to ensuring thorough representation of the views held by those in the housing industry.  We urge your participation in this important research. Comments gathered during this survey will be combined in a single narrative for inclusion in the Analysis of Impediments. Your comments will remain anonymous.

Let them hear what you think!

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