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Proposed Budget DRASTICALLY Cuts Services – ACT NOW

Action alert : June 9, 2009

Proposed House Health and Human Services ( HHS) Budget DRASTICALLY Cuts Services

The House HHS  budget has moved to the full House Appropriations Committee with $3 billion in cuts to health and human services programs and services.

The impact of these cuts will be felt by every person with autism and other developmental disabilities and their families in NC:

  • People with disabilities will lose services
  • People providing services will lose jobs
  • The state will lose tax revenue and federal funding
  • The system will collapse

YOUR ADVOCACY IS WORKING! House leaders are now discussing a revenue package, but there is still much work to be done.

The House Appropriations Chairs and the Governor and your Legislators need to hear from you today!

Enlist the help of your neighbors, family members, church members, co-workers, and the people you do business with- the impact of these cuts will be far reaching and includes them.


1.Contact the House Appropriations Committee Chairs TODAY – See contact information below

  • Tell them this budget harms people with autism and other developmental disabilities, mental illness and addictive disease
  • Tell themjobs will be lostwhich will worsen our state’s economy
  • Tell them they need to raise taxes to protect services and supports for people with MH/DDD/SAS

2. Contact the Governor with the same message -Governor Beverly Perdue  919. 733.4240

3. Contact your own legislators with the same message. Remind them that you are a voter in their district and you want them to raise taxes to prevent cuts to MH/DD/SA services. To find your legislator, click here.

4. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local paper expressing your concern.  Short personal stories are best.

5.   Plan to attend the  Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Day on June 17th to talk with your legislators on these issues. Details to follow.


Rep. Mickey Michaux – Durham County – 919.715.2528

Rep. Alma Adams – Guilford County – 919.733.5902

Rep. Martha Alexander – Mecklenburg County – 919.733.5807

Rep. Jim Crawford –  Granville – 919-733-5824

Rep. Phillip Haire –  Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain Counties – 919.715.3005

Rep. Maggie Jeffus –  Guilford – 919.733.5191

Rep. Joe Tolson –  Edgecombe, Wilson Counties – 919.715.3024

Rep. Douglas Young –  Hoke, Robeson, Scotland Counties – 919.733.5821

Thank you for all you are doing to protect supports for people with autism and other developmental disabilities and their families.

The Autism Society of North Carolina

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One Response

  1. Shannon Pollard says:


    My name is Shannon and my son James was diagnosed with autism at age 2. He has greatly benefited from receiving speech therapy every week. Just to think that this proposed budget will take this therapy from him is hard to even imagine.

    The way I feel is he is starting to make great progress with his speech and the rug is going to be pulled out from under him if this budget passes. I know that there are many many more children with all types of developmental disabilities that benefit from the therapies they are proposing to take away. What are they going to do??

    Thank you,

    A concerned Mom

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