
Moving from Awareness to Acceptance


2015.10.22.SandersonPALS 041

This April, for Autism Awareness Month, the Autism Society of North Carolina is focusing on acceptance and inclusion, not just awareness.

We want people to know about autism’s challenges, so they can be more accommodating. But we also want them to know how their lives can be better when they include people with autism. Children and adults with autism have much to teach us, and they have unique gifts that can make our communities better places to live for all of us.

How can you help share this message and move your communities from awareness to acceptance? Check out these ideas:

  • Use the hashtag #A2AforAutism everywhere: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest!
    • Share photos of autism awareness events that you attend.
    • Share pics or videos of your child with autism playing with neighborhood friends. Or, if you have a neurotypical child, them with their friends with autism. (Remember to get parents’ permission for sharing on social media.)
    • Share photos, videos, or stories of your loved ones with autism that show off their unique talents.
    • Share stories of inclusion.
    • Always remember the #A2AforAutism, so we can share your images, too.
  • Share ASNC’s social media posts throughout the month.
  • Join us for World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day on Saturday, April 2, at Camp Royall
  • TshirtWear the #A2AforAutism T-shirt as often as you can wash it. (Don’t have one? Buy one from the ASNC Bookstore)
  • Put an #A2AforAutism magnet on your vehicle (Also available from the Bookstore)
  • Tell teachers, club leaders, faith communities, etc., about our online materials that can help them create acceptance in their communities.
  • Ask to provide a presentation or display on acceptance in your clubs, schools, faith communities, etc. You can find ideas on our website or the ASNC Communications Department can help you with materials.

We are truly excited about this campaign. Imagine what acceptance could do for our loved ones with autism. We thank you for your efforts throughout April!


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