
Monday, May 10, 2010: THE PLAN

Legislative Office Building, North Carolina General Assembly, Raleigh

Come to the last meeting of the North Carolina General Assembly Joint Study Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 643 of the Legislative Office Building in Raleigh!

The Autism Society of North Carolina, in partnership with Autism Speaks, has been diligently working at the Legislature to get an autism insurance bill for our loved ones introduced in the upcoming legislative session.

You will make an important impact by your presence at this meeting to hear recommendations by committee members.  A strong attendance by the autism community will encourage the committee members to recommend introduction of the bill into the upcoming legislative session.

Here are driving directions with parking suggestions.  Allow yourself ample time to park and walk to the Legislative Office Building, affectionately termed “L-O-B”.  This building is not to be confused with the Legislative Building (“LB”) on Jones Street, which faces the dinosaurs in the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences…

Legislative Building, North Carolina General Assembly, Raleigh

If you’ve never attended a meeting or hearing at the General Assembly, there is a pedestrian bridge (which you can see a bit of in the first picture) connecting the Legislative Building to the 3rd Floor lobby of the Legislative Office Building.  The Legislative Office Building’s 3rd Floor lobby is where the Autism Society of North Carolina will have a sign-in table at 11:30 a.m. to meet you, answer questions, and assist you in attending the 1:00 meeting.  Please note there are strict rules governing lobbying at the General Assembly, so do not bring signs into the building with you.

If you plan to attend, please click here to check the NC Legislative calendar to confirm the meeting room, as last-minute room changes sometimes occur.  If you are unable to come, you can listen to the meeting by clicking here and then click on Room 643.

This last meeting of the Study Commission will be the first in many ups and downs of the legislative process.  ASNC asks that you halt writing committee members for now, but if you haven’t told us your story, contact us at  Send your name, address including county, and best phone number and email address to reach you if your child has been denied treatment coverage through your insurance company, or if you are a small business owner and support autism insurance coverage.

I do hope you may be able to come and witness history being made.  I look forward to seeing you!

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  1. Kristine says:

    I am going to try to make it, just need to reschedule some dentist appointments. Thank you for the detailed instructions including the pictures. It\’s almost like you wrote us a social story for going to the meeting! But on that picture that is the LB I need one of those big circle with line through it NOs.

  2. momof3au says:

    Good idea…

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