
Make Your Voice Heard!

There are several upcoming opportunities to raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder, get information on budget and policy issues, advocate for services and supports, and educate elected officials. 

Save the Date for Autism Awareness Day!

Mark your calendars now and join The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) at the for the 2011 Autism Awareness Day at the NC General Assembly on May 3rd from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.  We will have educational programs in the morning on legislative issues and ASNC staff and volunteers available throughout the day to assist you with visiting your legislators. Telling legislators our stories is our most powerful advocacy tool. Join us in making the concerns and presence of the autism community known to each NC State Senator and Representative. Detailed information (including how and where to register) and directions will follow soon on ASNC’s website.  Contact Jennifer Mahan at ASNC at or call 919-865-5068 for additional information.

Disability Awareness Day at the general Assembly is March 22nd. The day’s events include information sharing and coalition building in the morning, as well as visits with legislators and additional coalition building in the afternoon. More information can be found at Disability Rights NC or by calling 336-767-7060 or emailing

The Coalition is hosting a series of Town Hall meetings in 7 locations around the state to provide information on the budget and its impact on developmental disabilities, mental health, and additive disease services. There will be opportunities for public comment. In addition, The Coalition will host their annual Rally Day on May 10th.  More information on the town halls is located below as well as their website. ASNC is an active member of The Coalition, a group of 40 organizations advocating on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, addictive disease and mental illness.

We encourage you to make your voice heard any way you can!


You are invited to a

Town Hall Meeting


Mental Health, Developmental Disability, and Substance Abuse Services

Sponsored by The Coalition

The Coalition, 40 organizations advocating together to meet the needs of North Carolinians living with the developmental disabilities, the disease of addiction, & mental illness, will host a series of town hall meetings on MH, DD, & SA services across the state. These listening sessions will:

  • Provide a briefing on the current budget outlook
  • Offer an opportunity to share your opinions about MHDDSA services and supports; in person or in writing.
  • Update you on how to make a difference on these issues through advocacy


TIME:   All meetings are from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Doors will open at 6:00 PM and the program begins at 6:30.


March 17 – Charlotte

Myers Park United Methodist Church

1501 Queens Road, Charlotte

March 17 – Raleigh

NC Advocates for Justice Building

1312 Annapolis Drive, Raleigh

March 24 – Fayetteville

Southern Regional AHEC

1601 Owen Drive

March 31 – Greenville/Winterville

Pitt Community College

Leslie Building  – Room 143

1986 Pitt Tech Road Winterville


March 31 – Wilmington

Hampton Inn

2320 South 17th Street, Wilmington

April 7 – Winston-Salem

Forsyth Community College, Main Campus

Ardmore Hall Auditorium

2100 Silas Creek Parkway


April 7 – Asheville

Mountain Area Heath Education Center (MAHEC)

501 Biltmore Ave

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