An autistic adult playing with his caregiver.

Adulthood – For Caregivers of Autistic Adults

Guidance for Caregivers of Autistic Adults

The Autism Society of North Carolina offers guidance and support for caregivers of autistic adults who are seeking information and resources about autism in adulthood. If you have any questions at any point of the autism journey, please reach out to one of our knowledgeable Autism Resource Specialists around the state. They offer expert advice for any questions you may have about autism in adulthood.


caregivers autistic adults

Autistic Adults To-Do:

1) Implement post-high school plans:

  • Transition component of IEP
  • Secondary school options
  • Transition Programs (such as IGNITE)
  • Employment (does my loved one need assistance with employment services?)
  • Housing (What does housing look like for my loved one?)
  • Guardianship (Does my loved one need a legal guardian? Do I need a healthcare power of attorney?)

2) Connect with ARS for adult resources

3) Continue to research and implement appropriate therapies depending on the adult’s needs.

4) Discuss and consider what makes a meaningful day for your loved one – college, trade school, volunteering, employment, day center, clubs/interest groups.

5) Share our resources for adults.

Residential Options