The Autism Society of North Carolina offers resources and guidance to autistic adults/adults with autism to help you achieve your goals and dreams and build the life you want.
You are not alone, and we are here to help. Autistic voices are part of our organization and planning, including staff, an Autistic Adults Advisory Board, committee members, and Board of Directors membership.
This page includes links to some of our informational articles, resources, and programs and services that support adults on the spectrum.
If you need further assistance, please contact us at 800-442-2762 or
To request help from an Autism Resource Specialist or more information about any of our services for autistic adults and to be added to our email list, please click below to fill out our support form.
Programs and Services (locations):
The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) offers a variety of programs and support for autistic adults across North Carolina. We have offices in Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Greenville, and Wilmington. We also operate Camp Royall in Moncure and IGNITE community centers in Davidson and Raleigh. Read more for an overview of programs.
Autism Resource Specialists:
Our Autism Resource Specialists (ARS) are available by email or phone to help you find the support you need. They can answer questions, find resources in your community, and guide you through attaining services. To connect with an ARS fill out this form or call 800-442-2762.
Located in Davidson and Raleigh, IGNITE community centers offer activities and educational groups that foster independence and social interaction for young adults with low support needs or Asperger’s Syndrome. Click here to learn more.
Camp Royall:
Independent adults, 18 and older with high-functioning autism, are invited to spend time at Camp Royall with friends during occasional weekend retreats. Activities include leisure and recreation at camp as well as community outings. Camp Royall also employs a neurodiverse workforce in a variety of roles. To learn more visit the Camp Royall section of our website.
Skill-Building Services and Day Programs:
ASNC is an accredited provider of Medicaid services for adults, including the Innovations Waiver, IPRS. ASNC is an in-network provider with all of the LME/MCOs that manage behavioral health needs in NC and we offer private-pay options. These services, which provide one-to-one workers to assist in increasing independence and community integration are available in the greater Asheville, Greensboro, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Greenville, and Wilmington areas.
ASNC operates licensed day programs in Asheville (Ascend), Greensboro (Autism Center for Life Enrichment), Raleigh (Creative Living), and Fayetteville (Academy of Life Skills Development). Day programs provide a structured learning environment where adults with autism receive the necessary support to develop greater self-sufficiency and community engagement. Day programs offer a variety of activities and opportunities that allow participants to choose what is meaningful for them. Individualized tracks are designed for each participant based on their personal interests and skills, and staff are trained to understand their needs and help them reach their goals. Activities include creative expression through art, horticulture, and culinary activities; social skills training; and community outreach and volunteerism. To learn more about skill-building services and day programs click here.
Employment Supports:
Our employment programs offer guidance on choosing a career field, training in some of the “soft skills” needed to land and keep a job, and support to thrive on the job. To help prepare adults for the job search we offer online JobTIPS classes to help individuals gain the necessary skills for employment. Employment services are funded through Medicaid waiver services, vocational rehabilitation, state-funded services, grants, and private-pay options. Employment supports are available in the Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Fayetteville, and Raleigh areas. To connect with our Employment Supports team click here.
The Autism Society of North Carolina wants to hear from you. If you have any feedback you would like to share about this page, the resources listed here, or any part of our organization, click on the Connect with Us button above or email us.
Additional Resources
Resources - Articles to Help you Stay Safe and Healthy
- “I have ASD” identification cardsfor your wallet and safety decals for vehicles (request below)
- Self-disclosure on the jobtips sheet
- Who Supports Me– log to keep track of your supports and benefits
- Exercise Goals sheetand ExerciseLog
- Video – Staying Safe: Information for People with Autism(Know what to do when interacting with police, firemen, and EMS personnel)
Blog articles for Autistic Adults
- I Think I Have Autism. What do I Do?
- How to Advocate for Yourself
- Accommodations at Work
- Disclosing Disability in the Workplace – My Experience
- Autism Awareness is for YOU, Autistic Person!
- Navigating Holiday Parties
- My Journey of Understanding a World of Misunderstanding
- Dating Resources for Self-Advocates – “Table for Two”
- On Empowerment: Where to Begin When Building Self-Advocacy Skills and How to Be a Better Ally
Social Narratives (scripts or guide sheets)

“I have learned more about teamwork and friendship, and how those two can help you lead to your planned future.”