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How You Can Help

Editor’s Note – The following article is written by Kristy White, Director of Development, and describes a variety of ways people and corporations are helping to make a difference.

Anyone can join the Autism Society of North Carolina’s team and make a difference in the lives of individuals with autism and their families. Whether through creating your own run/walk team, planning a local fundraiser, participating in planned giving, or volunteering, there is a place for everyone looking to improve the lives of individuals with autism, support families affected by autism, and educate our communities. Here are a few examples of individuals and corporations who are making a difference today:

  • The Independent Insurance Agents of North CarolinaYoung Agent Committee has partnered with ASNC for their annual project. Agents have participated in the Camp Royall Golf Classic, volunteered at camp, and are the leading fundraisers for the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism. We are also thankful to the corporate support received from Premier Communications, Panduit, and Senn Dunn Insurance.
  • Taco Mac, recently opened three stores in the Charlotte area of North Carolina and is proudly partnering with the ASNC to provide financial support to Camp Royall. Taco Mac is committed to making an impact in the community in which it operates. Stop by one of their family friendly locations and enjoy ā€œCamp Cornā€, a percentage of the proceeds from each order of ā€œCamp Cornā€ will be donated to Camp Royall.
  • Jeff and Sheena Greiner, owners of Asheville Zipline Canopy Adventures hosted Zipping for Autism and raised $31,000 to support ASNC services in western North Carolina in the inaugural Wells Fargo Zipping for Autism. Mark your calendars for June 2, 2013 to participate next year.
  • Company employees are helping us make corporate connections. ASNC regularly applies for corporate grants as part of our overall fundraising efforts. The majority of companies require an employee connection with a non-profit organization before you are eligible to apply for the donation. Share where you work with us today and help ASNC receive support from your place of employment.
  • Twenty one BB&T employees volunteered eighty eight hours for the Lighthouse Project and provided $3,890 to Creative Living in Raleigh. Their work enhanced the facility tremendously. Contact us to find out where you can volunteer and make a difference in your community.
  • Chris Mentas of Custom Home Improvement in Charlotte, NC donated $2,500, a percentage of his profits during April Awareness month, to Camp Royall. See a picture below of Chris visiting Camp to learn more about the impact of his donation.
  • Baileyā€™s Fine Jewelry in Cameron Village in Raleigh recently gave ASNC a check for $1,566. They offer watch battery replacement for free and offer their customers the opportunity to donate to a non-profit each month. Do you have a creative idea to get involved?

To get involved and change lives, contact Kristy White at or 919-865-5086.

Chris Mentas (r) with Tracey Sheriff, ASNC CEO (l) and Tara Regan (c).

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