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Focus BFAST and Supporting the Black Autism Community


Focus | BFAST and Supporting the Black Autism Community

The Autism Society of North Carolina has some exciting news to share. After many months of collaborating with The University of North Carolina’s TEACCH program, we are excited to announce the creation of a new website for North Carolina families. BFAST was created in partnership with members of the Black community to create easily accessed, culturally sensitive, and personally tailored information to allow successful connection to early intervention services for Black autistic children across North Carolina.​ The website can also inform parents and caregivers of older autistic children a better understanding of how to navigate services with confidence. BFAST includes Black families sharing their stories through videos with a focus on what to expect along the journey, how to build a support team, and ways to feel empowered. The website also includes interactive tools, along with links to resources, some of them created by Black individuals from across North Carolina.​  

BFAST and Supporting black autistic children

Creditable data shows that Black children in North Carolina have a lesser chance of being properly diagnosed with Autism, aren’t receiving proper interventions, and that there are gaps in how their families are supported. There is an unfortunate history of causes for this problem, and the Autism Society of North Carolina is dedicated to continuing its mission of ensuring that all families affected by Autism are empowered for years to come.

One of the most helpful features of the BFAST website is the opportunity for parents and caregivers to be connected to an Autism Navigator. With the click of a button, an online form can be submitted to request assistance. The Autism Society of North Carolina’s, Nicole Harris, will be providing information to families on how to access resources. TEACCH will also be providing this service with their Resource and Referral staff.

February is Black History Month and The Autism Society of North Carolina is particularly proud that the creation of BFAST is an opportunity to carry on the legacy of Betty Camp, who is a co-founder of our organization, and a Black parent of an autistic child.

To learn more about BFAST, contact Autism Navigator, Nicole Harris, at 919-502-1174 extension 1136 or by email. 

Interested in a 5-week training courses designed to improve knowledge and empower underrepresented parents of children with autism? Read about FACES for Autism here!

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