
Elections 2020: Get Ready to Vote

This year, much attention will be paid to state primaries, state legislative races, and the national presidential election. As a nonprofit organization, ASNC does not become directly involved in elections or campaigns, but we do want you to understand your right to vote, how to vote, and where to get accurate and up-to-date information.

ASNC will be publishing articles, blogs, and other information this year to help you understand voting and elections.


When are we voting in North Carolina?

Primary: March 3

General election: Nov. 3

Primaries determine which candidates will run from various parties in the general election. North Carolina has ā€œsemi-closedā€ primaries. If you are registered with a specific political party, you will vote with that partisan ballot, closed from other parties. Unaffiliated voters can vote for one registered partyā€™s ballot.

The general election in November will elect a president, members of Congress, statewide officials including governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, auditor, superintendent of public instruction, members of the NC General Assembly, and judges for the State Supreme Court and appellate courts. All of these elected officials and more have influence on issues related to autism, disabilities, education, health and human services, and rights. ASNC encourages you to understand when and how you can exercise your right to vote.


How do I register to vote and when is the deadline?

The registration deadline is 25 days before each election: Feb. 7 for the primary and Oct. 9 for the general election.

To vote, you must be a citizen, at least 18 years of age, live in the county where you register, and reside there for 30 days before the date of the election. People with felony convictions must have completed their sentence, including probation or parole, before registering.

To register, you just need to fill out a voter registration form and mail it to the board of elections office in your county. (Find the address for your county online.) You can download a registration form from the NC State Board of Elections (SBOE) website or pick up a printed form at local county boards of election or sites in your community, including libraries, high schools, college admissions offices, the DMV, public assistance agencies, disability services offices, and employment assistance offices.

To update your registration, use the same form and mail it to your current county board of elections. If you have moved or are planning to move during the election year, please see the SBOE website for special instructions regarding relocations, moves, and residency requirements.


Can I register and vote the same day?

ONLY at one-stop early voting sites. To do so, you must attest to your eligibility by filling out the forms and also provide proof of residence such as your driverā€™s license with current address, an ID with address, utility bill, bank statement, etc. Please see the SBOE website for a full list of acceptable documents to prove residency.


Do I need photo identification to vote?

NO. Not at this time.

As of Dec. 31, a federal court has ordered a stop to the implementation of photo identification for voting in North Carolina.

ASNC recently published information about photo identification, voting, and obtaining photo ID in our twice-yearly magazine, The Spectrum, which stated that you would need ID to vote. Our magazine publishing deadlines required submitting the article prior to the announcement that no ID would be needed to vote in NC at this time.

Again, you do not need photo ID to vote in the March primaries.

ASNC will continue to monitor this issue and will provide updates if anything changes.

Information about photo identification and voting in North Carolina can be found on the website of the NC State Board of Elections website at

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