
Early Voting Ends Saturday, October 30


Don't forget to vote!


As they say in Chicago, vote early and often!  Seriously, everyone should be encouraged to exercise their right and responsibility to vote in all elections.  I recently took my oldest son to vote in his second election; we studied the issues and the candidates together, then looked up our early polling station online.  It was exciting to do this together—political science in action.

Individuals with disabilities have the right to vote as well, one that is protected by the state’s protection and advocacy legal team (Disability Rights NC).  Please read their blog posting about voting rights; if you experience problems voting, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) or report problems to

Here are some hints provided by Disability Rights NC (DRNC):

  • Is curbside voting available and readily accessible?
  • Are entrance ways free of obstacles and clearly labelled?
  • Is the voting area well lit?
  • Individuals with a disability can have assistance to vote (either someone who comes with you or a poll worker)

Early voting sites can be located at this website:

Some candidates’ responses to a questionnaire about early childhood issues can be found at the following website:

As Americans, we are fortunate to have this legal right.  However you vote, just do it!



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