
Celebrate Your Direct Support Professional

National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week is coming up September 8-14! The Autism Society of North Carolina employs hundreds of direct support professionals; without their dedication and continued efforts, many individuals on the autism spectrum and their families would not have needed support services. Every day, they work one-on-one with individuals with autism, teaching skill acquisition and supporting them in reaching their goals. They become trusted friends, natural supports, and honorary members of families.


Nominate your staff for the Roman Award

Do you have an ASNC direct support professional who regularly goes above and beyond? Have they had a significant impact on you, your loved one, your family, and the community?

Recognize their excellence by nominating them for the John and Claudia Roman Direct Service Award! This award honors an Autism Society of North Carolina direct support professional who has demonstrated outstanding dedication to individuals with autism and their families. The winner will be recognized at our annual conference as well as receiving a monetary award and other recognition.

Please complete the nomination form by Aug. 29. Please note: ONLY families can make a nomination! Nominations cannot come from supervisors or other ASNC employees.


Celebrate your staff Sept. 8-14

Here are some other ways you can celebrate Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, which is September 8-14, and let them know how much they mean to your loved one and family:

  • Sing their praises: Tell them how much they mean to you and your child. Let them know that they are making a difference. Be specific!
  • Jot it down: Write a note to share a goal your child has achieved as a result of the services they are providing. It is rewarding to know that they are directly making an impact, even when progress may be gradual or slow.
  • Cookies/baked goods: Sweet treats are thoughtful gestures.
  • In their honor: Your local services office can use donations for a staff raffle during DSP recognition events. Or you can make a contribution to ASNC in their honor, and weā€™ll send them a note.
  • Share your thoughts with your coordinator/staff supervisor: Supervisors appreciate hearing positive feedback about their staff, and it makes our staff feel successful and appreciated when a parent takes the time to let their supervisors know they are doing a great job.


Our thanks to Lori and Gregg Ireland for their generous donation to establish the service award to honor Christine Roman, the direct service professional who worked with their son. It was named for her parents, John and Claudia Roman.

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