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Q&A with Dr. Peter Gerhardt, Autism Expert

Archive for the ‘Resources’ Category

Bullying: Empowering Our Students with ASD

In todayā€™s society, it is not at all unusual to hear stories about students (both those with and without disabilities) being bullied. There is no doubt that bullying is becoming a serious problem in the school-age population, leading to studentsā€™ lower self-esteem, heightened anxiety, depression, fear, isolation, and even suicide. A growing issue within the…

URGENT: Tell Senators Not to Cut or Cap Medicaid

Congress plans to hold hearings Monday on a health-care bill that makes massive cuts to Medicaid, which includes funds for Innovations waivers, EPSDT services, and many other health and disability services. Analysis of previous health-care bills estimated that billions of dollars would be cut from Medicaid and 32 million people would lose health coverage, resulting…

2017 Roman Award Winner Named

The Autism Society of North Carolina is pleased to recognize Ed McCrimmon of Durham as the 2017 winner of the John and Claudia Roman Direct Service Award for outstanding commitment to individuals with autism and their families. Ed, who has worked for ASNC since 1999, was nominated for supporting David Wertheimer for 18 years with…

ā€œFood is Yummy! Get in My Tummy!ā€ Managing Food-Seeking Behaviors

Most of the people reading this can agree with the title. Food is yummy, so we love putting it in our tummy! This can be an issue when food becomes an obsession, for obvious reasons (i.e., health concerns) and some that may not be so apparent (e.g., problem behaviors resulting from being denied access to…

Prepare for Hurricanes to Stay Safe

The Autism Society of North Carolina would like to partner with you to keep your family safe. With hurricane season upon us, and Hurricane Irma possibly heading toward North Carolina in coming days, we wanted to share some information to help you prepare. We have created two social narratives that you may find useful for…

Planning for My Adult Childā€™s Future

What does the future hold for my son? As a parent of an adult child with special needs, I have been asking myself the same question for the past 24 years. When my son was very young, I exhausted myself, my child, and all of my loved ones by going from one expert to another…

Social Stories for the 2017 Solar Eclipse

The Autism Society of North Carolina would like to partner with you to keep your loved ones with autism safe at all times. To help you prepare for the solar eclipse on Monday, we have created two social stories; click on the one that you think is most appropriate for your loved one to get…

NC DHHS Releases Plan for Medicaid Reform

The NC Department of Health and Human Services has issued a proposed design for Medicaid managed care in North Carolina. The proposal gives individuals on Medicaid, families, caregivers, providers, and other stakeholders the opportunity to share feedback before DHHS submits a revised waiver to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the fall….