Almost everyone uses tools at work: cash registers, computers, the Internet, heavy machinery, pens, hammers, paintbrushes – the list could go on forever. We use these tools to perform our jobs to the best of our ability, so we do not hesitate to request them if we do not have all the ones we need….
Autism Diagnosis for Adults: Frequently Asked Questions
While many people with autism receive their diagnosis in childhood, others make it to adulthood before recognizing signs and receiving a formal diagnosis. If you are an adult who suspects you may be on the autism spectrum, we’ve prepared this list of questions about pursuing an autism diagnosis. What are some signs that I…
Pets and Autism: Challenges and Solutions
Pets are an amazing way for autistic children to experience companionship, understand boundaries, share responsibilities, and reduce anxiety. Caring for an animal also provides opportunities to learn new skills — such as patience, empathy, communication — while also supporting an avenue of emotional expression. It’s important for all families to do some research on the…
Mental Health in the Autism Community
Mental health disorders are conditions that affect our thinking, mood, and/or behavior to the extent that it interferes with our ability to function. These disorders include, but are not limited to, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. For the general population in the United States, the CDC estimates 20% of adults (or one…
Don’t Ring the Doorbell, and Mark Your Lifelong Calendar for June
One of the first things I tell a new direct support professional interviewing to work with our family is to not bother ringing the doorbell. Just come on in and join the family. My twins, Isaac and Samuel, have had Medicaid Waiver services since they were 7 years old. They are now 22. While some…
Achieve a Better Life Experience with NC ABLE
The NC ABLE Program allows individuals with the occurrence of a disability prior to the age of 26 and their families to contribute to tax-advantaged savings accounts without impacting eligibility for important public supports like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid. A path to financial freedom For many eligible participants, there has long been a ‘spend down’…
Preparing for an IEP Meeting
Let’s be honest, preparing for your child’s IEP meeting – whether it’s the first or the 20th – can be overwhelming, especially if your child was recently diagnosed with autism. What is an IEP and where does one begin?! An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child…