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Action Alert: Ask Representatives to Stop Medicaid Cuts

Archive for the ‘Programs’ Category

Action Alert: Ask Representatives to Stop Medicaid Cuts

Action Alert: Proposed Changes to Medicaid Will Cut Funding Call Your Representatives Today!   Congress is moving quickly to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) and replace it with the American Health Care Act, or AHCA. This bill will make drastic cuts to the Medicaid program affecting people with autism who are currently…

ASNC Day on the Hill

  This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. The Autism Society of North Carolina traveled to Washington, D.C., to participate in the Autism Society of America’s annual Day on the Hill for Autism Society advocates. Our goal in participating this year was to make sure that we voiced to…

TIPS Serves Adults with Autism

Serving others is obviously important to members of the Triangle Indian-American Physicians Society (TIPS); they are, after all, in health care. But serving outside of their chosen careers is also important to them. For years, members have volunteered their efforts and expertise at free clinics all around the Triangle and at a yearly free screening….

Chef Pepper Jack’s Food Drive

When 17-year-old Jack Cullen began to notice people on streets holding signs requesting donations, food, or jobs, he started asking questions. He wanted to understand why they didn’t have food or jobs. He wondered whether they had homes or other belongings. The growing concern that Jack displayed led his Autism Support Professional, Holly, to ask…

Managing Frustration and Anxiety

  Dr. Jed Baker, noted autism expert and author, shared some of his expertise with parents and professionals last week at a one-day conference in Raleigh. His presentation was titled “Managing Frustration and Anxiety and Teaching Social Skills” and provided strategies for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, anxiety, mood disorders, and learning challenges. For…

ASNC Celebrates Services Staff

This article was contributed by Kari Johnston, ASNC Director of Services. Each fall, the Autism Society of North Carolina has the privilege of celebrating the amazing work that our Direct Support Professionals do every day, providing crucial support and opportunities for individuals with autism. We do this in a few ways. During our celebration of…

Q&A with Dr. Jed Baker, Autism Expert

  On Friday, November 4, Dr. Jed Baker will lead a daylong conference that touches on two very important topics for families and caregivers: managing frustration and anxiety and teaching social skills. Dr. Baker graciously shared some insights and previewed his talk in a Q&A recently.   Why is it important for caregivers to think…

Kids Loved and Accepted as They Are at New Camps

  Six-year-old Marshall Wingfield loves people, but he becomes overwhelmed in public and has always been a bit of a homebody, his mom says. “He wants so much to fit in and have friends,” said Elaina Wingfield of her son, who was diagnosed with autism last year during his kindergarten year. “But his challenges make…