Autism Society of North Carolina Public Policy updates: Public Policy Targets for 2025 & 2026 NC General Assembly and new state administration New Congress and Federal Administration begin work in Washington, DC What you can do to help educate lawmakers on autism How to get in touch and what to say Public Policy Priorities…
Elections 2024: Get Ready to Vote!
As a reminder, the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) is sharing information about voting in North Carolina during this election year through blog articles, social media posts, and other channels. Much attention will be paid this year to state primaries, U.S. Congressional races, and state legislative races. As a nonprofit organization, ASNC does not…
Public Policy Update | June 25
NC House passes a budget adjustments bill; Senate release’s “mini budget” bill; Budget negotiations stalled In short session years, North Carolina legislators usually adjust the two-year budget passed during the previous year’s long legislative session. The North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA) Appropriations chairs in the House and Senate began negotiating these second-year adjustments this spring,…
Public Policy Update | May 23
Autism Society of North Carolina Public Policy updates: I/DD Caucus meeting draws advocates to NCGA Tailored Plan Reminders Survey on the Innovations Waiver Supports Budget Process I/DD Caucus meeting brings advocates to the NC General Assembly (NCGA). On Tuesday May 14, members of the Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability legislative caucus met to hear testimony…
I/DD Advocacy Day Opportunity | May 14, 2024
The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities and Meet the Need NC are organizing advocates to attend a Listening Session at the NC Legislative I/DD Caucus meeting on Tuesday, May 14. The I/DD Caucus is working to educate legislators about the needs of the I/DD community, in particular the 17,500+ waiting list for Innovations waivers…
ASNC Public Policy Update
NCGA starts legislative short session; NC Center for Safer Schools issues guidance regarding school Threat Assessment Teams; Tailored Plan Reminders North Carolina General Assembly is back in session. Legislators have returned to Raleigh for the start of the “short” legislative session that takes place in even numbered years. During this briefer legislative session, lawmakers consider…
ASNC Public Policy Update
In this public policy update: Medicaid Tailored Plans move forward; B(3) Services transition to 1915i; Samantha R lawsuit consent order; State releases new Olmstead Plan for 2024-2026. Medicaid Tailored Plans will move forward as the next phase of Medicaid Transformation goes into effect. North Carolina has been changing its Medicaid system for several years. The…
Innovations Waiver Up for Renewal – Public Comments Needed
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has notified us that the Innovations waiver is up for renewal. In NC our Innovations (1915c) waiver is generally approved for five years. The NC 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services Innovations Waiver’s current 5-year cycle period will expire on June 30, 2024. NC Medicaid’s goal is…
Elections 2024: Voting Deadlines and Changes
There are three ways to vote in North Carolina: from home, in person and in a facility. North Carolina made changes to legislative districts, to voting laws for absentee voting, and a 2022 court decision made changes to laws regarding voting a as a person with a disability. These changes are outlined below. Voting in primaries…