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Archive for the ‘Autism Parenting Tips’ Category

Autism And Daylight Saving Time: Get Ready for Time Change

Autism and Daylight Saving Time can be a complicated combination. Many individuals with autism value routine. It makes them feel secure to know when and why something is happening. So when the time changes each spring and fall, some individuals may feel a loss of control and have a more difficult time adjusting than some…

Fatherhood and Autism: Words of Wisdom Part Two

Welcome to Part Two of our two-part blog series featuring the stories of four fathers who share the wisdom and insight they have gained while navigating the complexities of parenting an autistic child. Click here to read Part One of this special Fatherā€™s Day blog series. Letā€™s continue to explore the stories of these fathers…

Fatherhood and Autism: Words of Wisdom Part One

Fatherhood is a journey filled with both wonderful moments and significant challenges, highlighting the invaluable role that fathers play in their families. Fathers provide protection, guidance, stability, and support, serving as pillars of strength. This month, in honor of Fatherā€™s Day, we asked four remarkable fathers who have children with autism to share their experiences…

Supporting Children With Autism in Foster Care and Post-adoption

May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. On a personal note, I donā€™t have a child with autism, but this topic holds a most special place for me because two of my own children are adopted from the foster care system. Addressing this topic represents the intersection of my professional and personal heart. Here in…