Easing the Transition Back to School

Archive for the ‘Autism’ Category

Easing the Transition Back to School

Easing the transition back to school…it’s that time of year again! The transition from summer to fall, more specifically from summer break to the start of the school year, can be overwhelming for everyone involved. The added stressors of back-to-school shopping, meet-and-greets with teachers, and transitioning into new schools can be challenging. We have some…

It Just Feels Good!

Human behavior is complex, no doubt. There are often layers to the reasons why people behave the way they do and those reasons may fluctuate from day-to-day based on a variety of internal or external events. Everyone engages in some behaviors (e.g., scratching a mosquito bite) just because they feel good. That is, the behavior…

How Behavior Can Go the Way of the Dinosaurs

Extinction is what happened to the dinosaurs, the saber-toothed tiger, and the dodo bird. But did you know behavior can undergo extinction as well? Don’t worry, behavioral extinction does not involve a massive comet colliding with the Earth. Behavior is said to undergo extinction when it simply no longer produces the reinforcement it once did….

5 Tips for Finding Activities for Your Child

When my son with autism was in elementary school, I remember wanting to get him involved in “programs” and “activities” but not really knowing what was appropriate or how to proceed. I recall contacting tons of people and agencies and asking for “THE” programs and activities specific for a child with autism. Frequently when the…

Calling the Sandman: Autism Sleep Problems

Unfortunately, the Sandman is a mythical character, and sleep problems are very real. Sleep disturbances are a common concern expressed by many parents and caregivers of people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. More than 80% of people with ASD have experienced sleep difficulties in their lifetime. Sleep deprivation can affect many aspects of…

Catch Them Being Good: The Power of Praise

As parents and educators, it may seem like we are juggling never-ending to-do lists. When you add managing challenging behaviors to the list, it can quickly become overwhelming. Some days it may feel like all you are doing is telling children “no” or repeating instructions over and over. You may begin to ask yourself, “How…

Focus on Healthy Habits at 2018 Annual Conference

The Autism Society of North Carolina held its 2018 annual conference March 23-24 in Charlotte. We will be sharing information from conference presentations in upcoming blog posts. Mindy Govan and Alicia DiDomizio, the Director and Assistant Director of ASNC’s IGNITE program for young adults on the spectrum, provided conference attendees with many tips they could…

Why is This Behavior Occurring?

Everyone has walked into a grocery store and seen a child crying while reaching for a candy bar in the checkout lane. Perhaps you’ve experienced a toddler cry and scream when you walk out of the room, only to hear her stop as soon as you walk back inside. If you’re a parent, you may…