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Speak Up for Fair Housing

Archive for the ‘Advocacy’ Category

Speak Up for Fair Housing

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has commissioned a study on whether or not discrimination exists in the housing industry.  Doesn’t that just sound like a government study??  Do you think there might be some discrimination against “protected classes”?!?  Let’s have a study to ask that question!  Oh, wait, maybe we could just…

Are you prepared for an emergency?

As you probably know, hurricane season for the Atlantic Ocean has already begun (it is June 1 – Nov. 30).  There are many other types of disasters and emergencies, however.  Rather than creating your own emergency plan, consider the many resources that are already available.  For example, the Department of Health and Human Services has…

Social Security Benefits Webinar

If your child has Social Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you know that income from employment must be managed carefully to avoid losing benefits or having them reduced.  Here’s an opportunity to learn more about this:  a national WISE Webinar.  Among the topics discussed will be the Ticket to Work, a…

Survey about Moving into Adulthood

The Family Advocacy and Support Training (FAST), a project of the PACER Center in Minnesota, is currently conducting a study of the needs of youth with disabilities (12 – 22 years old) as they move into adulthood. Parents or primary caregivers are asked to complete this survey, which is also available in Spanish.  The purpose…


What is your American Dream: to buy a home, have a job, go to school, start your own business?  Make a 3 minute video of your dream, enter it into this contest, and compete for a $1,000 award plus a trip to Washington, D.C. in October.  The National Disability Institute is sponsoring this contest along…

One Small Step For Awareness, One Giant Leap for Coverage

When a community comes together…

Youth Leadership Forum in July

July 18-20, 2010  North Carolina State University- Raleigh, NC  Who? Young people with disabilities between ages 17-28 years old that live in North Carolina Demonstrate leadership or leadership potential Want to make a difference in the community  What? Bring together young people with disabilities who demonstrate leadership qualities Know your rights while understanding your leadership…

At long last—help for youth with autism in crisis (thanks to your voices)!

Do you remember Salima Mabry and her son, Joshua, who spent 8 days in a recliner at Wake Human Services (partly due to a lack of emergency respite beds)?  Now, there is an alternative to psychiatric wards, which are not always capable of handling teens with challenging behaviors.  The new program at the Murdoch Center,…

State Board of Ed to decide on OCS testing

On June 2-3, the State Board of Education will make decisions on the testing program for students on the Occupational Course of Study. In 2008-09, the United States Department of Education determined that the NCEXTEND2 statewide alternate assessments for students on the Occupational Course of Study (OCS) did not meet their approval. The OCS students could…