A Shocking Story, A Shocking School

Archive for the ‘Advocacy’ Category

A Shocking Story, A Shocking School

Imagine being being strapped facedown on a four-point restraint board and being shocked repeatedly by an unseen person for swearing…and you’re a child.  This is about a book that the Autism Society of NC (ASNC) will never stock or sell.  Why talk about it, then?  Sometimes we have to address the ugly elephant in the…

New Resource on Sexuality and Youth/Adults with Disabilities

Want to make people uncomfortable?  Ask them about their sex education of their child with a disability (regardless of whether their “child” is 4 or 42 years old)!  What have you done to educate your child with autism about sex and sexuality?  If you need some help getting started, here are some resources.  A new…

Important Information for Students on the Occupational Course of Study in High School

Freda Lee, Consultant for the Mental/Intellectual Disabilities Program for the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI), recently presented information to the Council on Educational Services for Exceptional Children; her topic was the Occupational Course of Study (OCS), one of only two diploma-tracks for high school students in NC.  Because NC’s OCS did not meet federal…

Discontinuing microwaves in classrooms

Did you know that some schools are prohibiting the use of microwaves by students?  According to the Dept. of Agriculture, which governs the Child Nutrition Programs (providers of school meals), food preparation and reheating should ONLY occur in inspected food prep areas.  That means no microwaves in classrooms, cafeterias, or anywhere that students can use…

Good news in the special education legal arena

A federal appeals court recently ruled that a lawsuit alleging that Hawaii schools “deliberately neglected the needs of two girls with autism during their formative years” could go forward.  The parents are seeking damages under the federal Rehabilitation Act due to “lost opportunity”—that the Hawaii Department of Education failed to provide appropriate special education when…

Get your social skills here…

  Okay, I’ve been on this autism-school journey for quite a few years now, so I think that I know a little about this subject.  It’s a never-ending quest for knowledge, I know that, and I also know that there are volumes that I don’t know.  Still, how is it that the Department of Public…

CAP-MR/DD Stakeholder Survey

During the month of September, you are invited to participate in a survey about the CAP-MR/DD Medicaid waivers (Comprehensive Waiver and Supports Waiver).  Your feedback is very important to us as we continue to improve the waivers.  We want to hear from individuals receiving CAP-MR/DD services, parents and guardians of individuals receiving services, service providers,…

Back to school—I love it, I love it not

Back to school—hurray!  I say that now with a sigh of relief, but not for long.  I hate getting up and rushing out the door, I DETEST homework and projects with a passion, and I don’t enjoy the constant monitoring of my children’s progress. What I do enjoy about my children being in school—besides watching…

More Anti-bullying Talk: What to Do Now?

The U.S. Department of Education recently held its first summit on bullying prevention in Washington, D.C., as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to coordinate the federal government’s strategies to end bullying.  I like the idea of better coordination and collaboration, but do hope this will be more effective than the National Director of Intelligence—remember…