CAP IDD MRDD Waiver Changes Delayed Again

Archive for the ‘Advocacy’ Category

CAP IDD MRDD Waiver Changes Delayed Again

The Autism Society of North Carolina previously provided an update about major changes that were expected to take place for people currently receiving CAP IDD (MRDD) Waiver services. It is our understanding that the Division of Medical Assistance and Division of MHDDSAS has received another extension of the current waiver until June 28, 2012. We expect that…

A+KIDS: Important Information for Children with ASD who Receive Behavior Medications

What is it? The A+KIDS (Anti-psychotics-Keep It Documented for Safety) program is an effort to assure that children in the NC Medicaid program who receive anti-psychotic medications are being monitored for possible side effects. These medicines are sometimes prescribed to help reduce severe agitation, self-injury, and/or physical aggression in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Examples…

Make Your Voice Heard in 2012!

There are several upcoming opportunities to raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder, get information on budget and policy issues, advocate for services and supports, and educate elected officials. The Coalition is hosting a series of Town Hall meetings in 9 locations around the state to provide information on the budget and its impact on developmental…

Proposed Changes in DSM-5 Criteria

In recent weeks national and local media outlets have reported about proposed changes to diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version 5 (DSM 5). The proposed changes have not been formalized and that process is expected to be completed by December 2012. – Editor What will the…

Structured Strategies During the Holiday Season

  With the holiday season comes both excitement and stress. Changes in schedule, time off from work and school, travel, parties, visiting relatives, special foods, special clothes, shopping and decorations are just some of the reasons that this time of year can be especially difficult for kids with autism and their parents. How did your…

Are We Having Fun Yet?

By Kathleen Dolbee, ASNC Parent Advocate Parents of kids with ASD often become experts on the subject of autism. Back when my son was first diagnosed, I was starving for information. I read every book I could get my hands on. I was less concerned with academic progress and most interested in addressing his social…

CAP IDD Waiver Changes Delayed

For people currently receiving CAP IDD (MRDD) Waiver services the Autism Society of North Carolina previously provided an update here  about major changes that were expected to take place November 1, 2011.  It is our understanding that the Division of Medical Assistance and Division of MHDDSAS have requested an extension of the current waiver until January…

CAP I/DD Waiver Changes Part 2

The Community Alternatives Program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (CAP I/DD, formerly known as CAP MR/DD) is expected to change beginning November 1st, 2011. Changes to the program still need to be approved by the Federal Government, however approval is expected and the Division of Medical Assistance which operates the CAP I/DD in…

Changes to CAP I/DD (MR/DD) Waiver

The Community Alternatives Program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (CAP I/DD, formerly known as CAP MR/DD) is expected to change beginning November 1st, 2011. Changes to the program still need to be approved by the Federal Government, however approval is expected and the Division of Medicaid Assistance which operates the CAP I/DD in…