
CAP-MR/DD Waiver Slots Update

One of the few pieces of good news from the last legislative session, is that some CAP-MR/DD waiver slots were included in this year’s budget.

The state is still working on when these slots will be allocated to the Local Management Entities (LME).

What we know at this point is that the Division of Mental Health/ Developmental Disabilities/ Substance Abuse Services (MH/DD/SAS) has posted a chart on their website that shows how many supports and comprehensive waiver slots will be given to your LME, if and when the state allocates these slots.

Click here to view this chart

Click here to read the formula

ASNC believes that providing CAP-MR/DD waiver slots must be a state priority. Slots need to be allocated as soon as possible so that people with autism and their families who are waiting for services receive the support that they need.

ASNC will continue to educate and advocate with our state leaders about the vital importance of CAP waiver services to people with autism and their families.

If you are on the CAPā€“MR/DD waiting list:

Keep your application for CAP-MR/DD services updated with the most current information about your family and your need for services. Stay in touch with your case manager and the Developmental Disabilities Coordinator at your LME.Ā 

Let them know as soon as any family circumstances change that would highlight your need for CAP services.Ā 

Document phone contacts with your LME by also sending a follow up letter.Ā 

Check our ASNC blog regularly for the latest information about when and how these CAP- MR/DD slots will be allocated.

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