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Bullying Bill Passes N.C.House

Last night, the N.C.House passed the Bullying Bill, SB 526 /HB 548: School Violence Prevention Act, by a one vote margin. Since the bill was already passed by the Senate, the bill now moves to the GovernorĀ for her signature.

Our state legislators stood up and voted on what is right for all students, especially the all too many children living with autism who are bullied in school.

Once we assemble the list ofĀ  House members who voted for the bill, we will let you know the House members we need to recognize and thank.

This victory would not have been possible without your advocacy efforts that combined with years of tireless work by self advocates, students, parents and the larger coalition to make this a reality.

Yesterday, the autism community was well represented whenĀ  ASNC parent advocate, Linda Griffin, spoke out with honesty and courage about the need for the bullying bill in a News 14 interview. To view this interview, click here:

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who advocated for the passage of a strong and effective Bullying Bill.

Our next challenge is to decide how we can work together with our schools to take this mandate for bullying prevention and see that it is implemented at the local school level.

Ultimately preventing bullying requires that we change minds and hearts in our local schools.

OnceĀ  this legislative session is over, ASNC staff would like to join with self advocates, parents, chapters, school personnel and other advocacy partners to define some specific bullying prevention initiatives we believe will make a difference forĀ  all students, especially those with autism and other developmental disabilities .

If you are interested in being contacted aboutĀ  bullying prevention work groups, please email

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One Response

  1. The Autism Bookstore, which is a division of the Autism Society of NC, carries many titles on bullying prevention as it pertains to children on the autism spectrum. Below is a list of 9 books and dvd\’s on autism and bullying that can be found on the Autism Bookstore website along with staff written book reviews.

    Please consider the Autism Bookstore as your personal resource for materials on autism; our knowledgeable staff is ready to help you find the right book for your situation ā€“ just call 1-800-442-2762. When you buy books from us you are helping to fund programs and services for people on the autism spectrum and their families

    Books and DVDā€™s about autism and bullying:

    Asperger Syndrome and Bullying (BASP31)

    Being Bullied DVD (DBEI01)

    Grayā€™s Guide to Bullying (BGRA01)

    Nobody New What to Do (BNOB02)

    Perfect Targets (BPER03)

    Martian In the Playground (BMAR01)

    Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome (BFRE01)

    Intricate Minds: Understanding Classmates with AS DVD (DINT01)

    Intricate Minds II: Understanding Elementary School Classmates with AS DVD (DINT02)

    Please visit our website to view these titles and their descriptions:

    Melanie A. Borgen
    Bookstore Manager

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