
Budget update: Governor Perdue directs $15 million to relieve impact of budget cuts to community services

Yesterday, in a room packed with reporters and supporters, Coalition advocates called for a special session of the General Assembly to address the loss of services and supports for people with developmental disabilities, mental health and addictive diseases.

The Autism Society of North Carolina is one of the 42 organizations in the Coalition; organizations that advocate and provide services and support for nearly 340,000 of these NC citizens.

For more information about the press conference, use these links :

Governor Perdue responded to the Coalition by restoring $15 million dollars to lessen the impact of budget cuts to community services for people with developmental disabilities, mental  health and addictive diseases.

The Autism Society of North Carolina joins with our Coalition partners in applauding the Governor for this important first step.

But we have still have a long and uphill journey ahead- to advocate for the restoration of all the necessary funding for vital community services for people with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Two actions to take today:

Local management entities (LME’s) are now developing plans to restore some services with their portion of this  $15 million for state funded  services.

1. If your services have recently been cut or reduced, contact your case manager  and the developmental disabilities care coordinator at  your LME to update and discuss your current service needs.

2. Contact Governor Beverly Perdue and thank her for this first step in restoring funds for people with autism and developmental disabilities.

  • Ask her to call a special session to take the remaining steps needed to restore funding for community services for people with autism and other developmental disabilities.
  • Tell her your story ; the need for  services and the difference they make – or could make- in the life of your family.
  • Send the same message to Speaker of the House Joe Hackney and President Pro Tem Marc Basnight
  • To help with ASNC’s statewide advocacy, send a copy of your letter to ASNC via email at

Special thanks to Dave Richard from the Arc of NC for representing people with developmental disabilities at the Coalition press conference.

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  1. Debra and Anthony Dade says:

    Thank you and your hard work is appreciated and thank you for representing families with children with Special Needs, Development Disabilities and the Autism Society.

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