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Budget Update and Advocacy Events

The budget bill that restores some of services for people with developmental disabilities, mental illness and addictive disease is expected to pass in the House by Saturday morning.

This is a solid step in the right direction but the budget process – and our advocacy efforts – are still not over.

The budget process does not end after the House vote. Once it passes the House, the bill goes to aĀ  conference committee that will have members appointed from both the House and the Senate.

The Senate bill, passed earlier in the session, has no cuts to services to people with disabilities while the Houseā€™s bill still contains millions of dollars of cuts for people with disabilities. The work of the conference committee is to negotiate these differences into a final bill.

For details on the budget cuts, revenue package and budget items restored, click on the links below.

Join the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) and our advocacy partners to move the final budget bill closer to the Senate version which has no cuts!

Here’s how you can take action:

1. Come to the June 17th Developmental Disability Advocacy and Education Day and speak with your legislators.

  • Even if your House or Senate member is not on the conference committee, they willĀ  forward the stories and concerns that they hear from the people in their district. Make sure they hear your story and the need to restore services for people with developmental disabilities.
  • We will have talking points and information at the sign-in table. But the most important message to share is how restoring the cuts will help your family or the people you serve.
  • A list of the June 17th legislative committee meetings will also be available. These meetings are open and have seating for the public. There is a possibility that the School Violence Prevention Bill (Bullying Bill) may be heard on June 17th (Keep in mind that all legislative committee meetings can be canceled and rescheduled with little warning).

Click here for more info about the DD Advocacy and Education Day.

2. Legislators listened to your plea to raise taxes torestore the budget cuts. We need to thank them.

Please thank these members of the House Finance Committee for voting in favor of a revenue package to restore the budget cuts. This is especially important if you are a voter in their districts. This was not an easy decision for them and they need to hear that they did the right thing.

Rep. Kelly Alexander, 107th Mecklenburg, 919-733-5778

Rep. Van Braxton, 10th Greene, Lenoir, Wayne, 919-715-3017

Rep. Tricia Cotham, 100th Mecklenburg, 919-715-0706

Rep. Bill Faison, 50th Orange, 919-715-3019

Rep. Pryor Gibson, Anson, Union, 919-715-3007

Rep. Larry Hall, 29th Durham, 919-733-5872

Rep. Dewey Hill, 20th Columbus, 919-733-5830

Rep. Hugh Holliman, 81st Davidson, 919-715-0873

Rep. Sandra Hughes, 18th New Hanover, 919-733-5754

Rep. Earl Jones, 60th Guilford, 919-733-5825

Rep. Paul Luebke, 30th Durham, 919-733-7663

Rep. Bill Owens, 1st Camden, Currituck, Pasquotank, Tyrrell, 919-733-0010

Rep Deborah Ross, 38th Wake, 919-733-5773

Rep. William Wainwright, 12th Craven, Lenoir 919-733-5995

Rep. Jennifer Weiss, 35th Wake, 919-715-3010

Rep. Larry Womble, 71st Forsyth, 919-733-5777

3. Attend the Together NC State of Emergency Budget Rally on Monday , June 15th at 5:30 PM. Together NC is a collection of more than 90 non-profit organizations, service providers, and professional associations who promote a balanced approach to the budget crisis by combining wise spending choices (not just cuts to the bone) with tax solutions that are adequate, stable and fair. The coalition represents millions of North Carolinians.

The family- friendly rally will include speakers and a brief walk to the Senate and House Chambers to show that many North Carolinians are concerned that balancing the state budget does not cause great harm to our most vulnerable citizens support balancing the state budget without causing great harm to our most vulnerable citizens.

Click here to view a flyer about the Rally.

If you are not able to come to Raleigh next week, you are still helping our advocacy efforts by your calls and emails to legislators.

Expand your calls by enlisting the help of the peoplein your community – your neighbors, family, friends, church members andĀ  business owners.

This session has been stressful, confusing and unnerving to many people in the autism and DD community.

Know that your advocacy is keepng theĀ  needs and concerns of people with developmental disabilities and their families in front of our state lawmakers.

We will keep you up to date through the Society’s website as well as our Blog. Click on either of the previous links to visit the website or Blog.

Thanks for all of your efforts and continued involvement!


The Autism Society of North Carolina

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