
Bookstore top 10 bestsellers for December

On occasion we here at the bookstore like to high-light our bestsellers. The top 10 books for the winter season are listed below. Click on any title to see a description in our online bookstore catalog of these and other popular titles. We are also adding new books monthly, so check out our New Items…

Confessions of an Autism Mom

Being a mom of three with autism has some irony.  Confession Number One:  I have a big fear of being misunderstood.  Since autism is a communication disorder, opportunities present for personal fear mongering.  Exposure to optimism training, through Dr. Carolyn Kessler who was at TEACCH, has helped me look at things differently, including people-pleasing tendencies….

No Pony Ride to Mars

A plea for ASNC membership.

Upcoming Conference on Various Disabilities

Join the Community Resource Alliance as they explore issues and solutions to the challenges we all are facing in these difficult times. This event will be a cross-disability conference with sessions that will appeal to self-advocates, direct support professionals, families, supervisors, managers, case managers, clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, service providers and more.  Check the…


A commentary on The Myths and Partial Myths of Autism

How I Saved My Marriage

Having a marriage while raising children is sort of like climbing a mountain.  You realize you’re all tied together and there’s no easy getting off.  You stay in the moment because you know you have to.  Sometimes, you may even want to. Eventually, the climb becomes more synchronized.  Once upon even ground, however temporary, the…


Following a horrifying report by the Government Accountability Office , Congress has addressed the growing need for federal legislation regulating the use of restraints and seclusion in schools—both of which are already regulated in hospitals and residential facilities.  While the House bill (HR4247) seeks to “prevent and reduce” the use of physical restraints and seclusion,…

Autism, Medicine, and Media

Now that 2010 has rolled in, there seems to be more autism-related research published that’s getting some attention in the news.  When the previously embargoed autism rates were announced on the Friday afternoon before Christmas, it didn’t receive much notice in the media, aside from catching the statement that officials were still puzzled about whether…

Just Tell Me What You Want

New Year’s Wishes.