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Legislative & Policy Update – NC Passes a State Budget

The NC Senate and House passed the budget conference committee report for H259, the Appropriations Act for 2023-2025 on September 22nd, ending several months of negotiations that delayed the state budget nearly three months into the fiscal year. The budget includes significant amounts of funding for behavioral health and developmental disabilities services and funding for…

Applied Behavior Analysis: Misconceptions and Quality Indicators

At the Autism Society of North Carolina, we believe that every autistic individual and their family has the right to high quality, person-centered, autism-informed services that recognize and value the individual’s neurodiversity. For individuals and families who pursue applied behavior analysis (ABA), we encourage you to advocate for a provider offering modern ABA. ABA represents…

Finding Connection and Understanding in Support Groups

Being an autism parent can be a challenge when you don’t have a community of support and understanding. We are in a different phase of life than many of our friends who want to support us, but don’t truly understand the joys, tribulations, extreme victories and moments of defeat. It can be a lonely journey,…

Governor Cooper: LiNC-IT employs neurodiverse professionals reaches milestone of serving 100 North Carolinians

LiNC-IT works with 44 employers to help employees on the autism spectrum succeed at work, recognized as national model. RALEIGH: North Carolina’s employment program for early career autistic professionals, LiNC-IT, has achieved an important milestone, Governor Roy Cooper announced. Since the Governor launched the program in 2018, LiNC-IT has supported 100 individuals with autism spectrum…

Eye Exams and Autism

My youngest son, Daniel, was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 1/2 years old. Our family was thrown into our own “how to navigate our autism” journey. Although my son has limited language now, he was essentially non-verbal in those early years. Communication was difficult. Thankfully, here and there, we met wonderful providers,…

Moving to North Carolina as a Spanish Speaker

I moved to North Carolina from Puerto Rico, and people often ask me how I ended up moving here. Falling in love got me here. I met my son’s father in Puerto Rico and it was love at first sight. We dated long distance and then we decided for me to “jump” and move to…

Consejos para mudarse a Carolina del Norte siendo hispanohablante

Me mudé a Carolina del Norte desde Puerto Rico, y con frecuencia la gente me pregunta cómo terminé mudándome aquí. El amor me trajo aquí. Conocí al padre de mi hijo en Puerto Rico y fue amor a primera vista. Mantuvimos una relación a larga distancia y luego decidimos que “diera un salto al vacío”…

Family Navigators Service via Trillium Health Resources available in Eastern NC Counties

The Autism Society of North Carolina is partnering with Trillium Health Resources for residents residing in the Trillium Health catchment area to provide support to individuals on Medicaid through Family Navigators. What counties are in the Trillium Health catchment area? For individuals receiving Medicaid through the Tailored Plan, Trillium Health covers the following counties: Beaufort, Bertie,…

Disclosing Disability in the Workplace – My Experience

I am a late-diagnosed autistic adult, and I have ADHD, Bipolar II, OCD, and generalized anxiety. I also have dermatillomania, or skin picking disorder, and my information processing abilities rank 13th percentile. Physically, I have substantial hearing loss in both ears. This article focuses on lessons I learned as I searched for employment. I now…