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Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities: NC House Bill 344

  [The Autism Society of North Carolina now has a comprehensive fact sheet on HB 344 Education Tax Credit for Children with Disabilities on its website here.]   Thursday June 30th 2011 House Bill 344 Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities  became law in North Carolina. Starting this year, families will be able to claim a…

Surviving Summer with Autism Spectrum Disorder

 These surviving summer tips are brought to you by Nancy Popkin and Kim Tizzard, Autism Society of North Carolina Parent Advocates. Do you have any tips to share? Post them in the comments section below! Summer Challenges: Change in schedule / routine Sensory challenges Travel Extended family members who don’t understand autism   Summer Survival Solutions  …

This Week at the NC General Assembly

Governor’s Budget Veto On Sunday The Governor vetoed the state budget passed by the NC General Assembly. At this point, the NC Senate has enough majority votes to override a veto, and the NC House believes they also can override a veto if at least 4 of the 5 Democrats who voted for the budget…

State Budget and Managed Care Waiver Update

NC State Budget Last week the NC General Assembly passed a budget for the 2011-2013 budget years that was compromise bill negotiated between the NC House and NC Senate, prior to the Senate passing their own budget. In the final version, the General Assembly used the House version of the budget numbers for Health and…

Autism Insurance: Not Dead Yet!

Autism insurance bill sponsors have introduced very good bills this year that make sure that North Carolina health plans cover services for autism spectrum disorder so it’s disappointing that autism insurance legislation has not moved forward in the North Carolina General Assembly this session.  We all know it’s the right thing to do, making sure…

Senate Budget Released: More Cuts to Autism!

On May 24, the North Carolina Senate released its version of the state budget, which cuts an additional 3% from Health and Human Services programs, including $30 million in cuts to state funded services (IPRS), $51 million more in cuts to Medicaid optional services for adults, $10 million in cuts to non-profits, and $25 million…

A PATHway to help

Editor’s Note: The following article was written by Autism Society of North Carolina Parent Advocate Wanda Curley. Wanda works out of the Triad office in Greensboro. We appreciate her willingness to share her personal journey and insights. As a parent of a very amazing young adult with autism , I continue to be encouraged daily…

Managed Care Waivers: A Guide for What You Should Know

There are days in public policy work where it can feel like you are wandering lost, and unlike the woman pictured here there is no map. Then there are the days where you have no shortage of maps, but they all say to go in different directions. One of my jobs at the Autism Society in North Carolina (ASNC)…

Autism Society of North Carolina Chapters – one person’s experience

Editor’s note: The following article is from Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) Parent Advocate  Amy Perry. We appreciate her contribution! The Autism Society of North Carolina was formed by a group of parents in 1970 in hopes of finding support with each other and creating better opportunities for their children. Today ASNC has 45…