
How You Can Help

Editor’s Note – The following article is written by Kristy White, Director of Development, and describes a variety of ways people and corporations are helping to make a difference. Anyone can join the Autism Society of North Carolina’s team and make a difference in the lives of individuals with autism and their families. Whether through…

Avoiding Power Struggles

Editor’s Note – This week’s article is provided by Amy Hobbs, Training Coordinator, for the Autism Society of North Carolina. Amy works out of the ASNC Asheville office and can be reached via email at or via phone at 828-236-1547. Despite the welcomed summer break, after a few weeks without the structure of school…

Tips for Parents Transitioning to the Innovations Waiver

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Jean Alvarez, Parent Advocate/Trainer for the Autism Society of North Carolina and parent of a young man on the autism spectrum. Jean lives in western NC. As Local Management Entities (LMEs) move from the old system of service delivery to a network of MCOs and a…

Whatā€™s in health reform (Affordable Care Act) for people on the autism spectrum?

Editor’s Note – Thanks to Jennifer Mahan, Autism Society of North Carolina Director of Government Relations for the following analysis of last week’s Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court of the United States recently upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which would expand health care coverage for many people in…

Run or Walk for Autism this fall

Editor’s Note – The following Blog article was written by Heather Hargrave, Development Associate and Run/Walk for Autism Coordinator. Lace up your running shoes and participate in the 2012 fall run/walks for autism and help us make a difference in the lives of over 60,000 individuals with autism in North Carolina. Regardless of the event…

School is out for summer. What to do?

Editor’s Note: This week’s Blog contribution is from Leica Anzaldo, Training Manager for the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Training Department. School is out and while many of us have been anxiously awaiting this day, for others it is a time of anxiety. Summer for children with autism and their families can be a particularly…

Homeschooling Information – Factors to Consider

Editor’s Note – The following article is a compilation of information from Bridget Mora, a parent from Chapel Hill, who produced an article that appears on the ASNC website and did a great deal of research and Linda Griffin, Parent Advocate Director. Thanks to both of these ladies for their work to compile, condense, and…

Time is Running Out for Feedback

[Note: this alert was also sent out to the Autism Society of North Carolina’s network of subscribers on June 8th, 2012]   Time is running out to make your voice heard on the managed care system in North Carolina! The Autism Society of North Carolina, in collaboration with the Arc and other Developmental Disability Advocates,…

What is the NC General Assembly Up to This Session?

Editor’s Note: The following entry was written by Jennifer Mahan, Autism Society of North Carolina Director of Government Relations. Jennifer will be providing a monthly summary of legislative activities while during this year’s short session as well as other updates about autism-related legislative efforts. May 14th was the start of theā€ shortā€ legislative session this…