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Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. and Autism Awareness

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. national holiday represents so many meaningful things- peace, love, and empowerment for those who are marginalized.  As a Black parent of a child with autism, it also represents inclusion to me.  There is no question that families impacted by autism have to do things differently.  And that includes how…

Behind the Scenes with an ASNC Support Groups Specialist

  The role of the ASNC Support Groups Specialist is truly unique. There are seven Support Groups Specialist positions across the state, six of which are filled by a remarkable team of ladies who serve their local regions. Have you ever wondered how an Autism Society of North Carolina Support Group leader developed their group…

Medicaid – Will you be eligible for health care under the new expanded Medicaid program?

Starting December 1, 2023, North Carolina will expand health insurance coverage under Medicaid to people up to 138% of the federal poverty guidelines. This means more people will qualify including people who were not eligible previously.   NC Medicaid covers most health services. It includes doctor visits, check-ups, emergency care, hospital services, maternity and postpartum care,…

Epilepsy Awareness is Part of Our World

Just before my son received his autism diagnosis at the age of five, he was diagnosed with a partial complex seizure disorder. When we took him to the Children’s Developmental Service Agency, or CDSA, as a three-year-old, to learn more about his behavior and language differences, the psychologist suggested we schedule testing with a neurologist…

Sarah Waller, an ASNC Registered Behavior Technician Who Goes Above and Beyond

One hot summer day, Sarah Waller’s car broke down on her way to work. Waller is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) who implements Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) plans for the Autism Society of North Carolina. Rather than cancel the session with the client and their family, Waller walked three miles in 100-degree heat to make…

Legislative & Policy Update – NC Passes a State Budget

The NC Senate and House passed the budget conference committee report for H259, the Appropriations Act for 2023-2025 on September 22nd, ending several months of negotiations that delayed the state budget nearly three months into the fiscal year. The budget includes significant amounts of funding for behavioral health and developmental disabilities services and funding for…

Applied Behavior Analysis: Misconceptions and Quality Indicators

At the Autism Society of North Carolina, we believe that every autistic individual and their family has the right to high quality, person-centered, autism-informed services that recognize and value the individual’s neurodiversity. For individuals and families who pursue applied behavior analysis (ABA), we encourage you to advocate for a provider offering modern ABA. ABA represents…

Finding Connection and Understanding in Support Groups

Being an autism parent can be a challenge when you don’t have a community of support and understanding. We are in a different phase of life than many of our friends who want to support us, but don’t truly understand the joys, tribulations, extreme victories and moments of defeat. It can be a lonely journey,…

Governor Cooper: LiNC-IT employs neurodiverse professionals reaches milestone of serving 100 North Carolinians

LiNC-IT works with 44 employers to help employees on the autism spectrum succeed at work, recognized as national model. RALEIGH: North Carolina’s employment program for early career autistic professionals, LiNC-IT, has achieved an important milestone, Governor Roy Cooper announced. Since the Governor launched the program in 2018, LiNC-IT has supported 100 individuals with autism spectrum…