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Public Policy Update: Governor’s Budget Released, Medicaid Expansion Bill Advances, Medicaid Services Updates

On March 15, the Governor released his budget proposal. It is quite extensive, and in this entry, we have listed some highlights of items that have an impact on many people on the autism spectrum and their families and which address our public policy priorities. Health and Human Services $126 million for 2,000 more Innovations waiver…

Accommodations at Work

Almost everyone uses tools at work: cash registers, computers, the Internet, heavy machinery, pens, hammers, paintbrushes – the list could go on forever. We use these tools to perform our jobs to the best of our ability, so we do not hesitate to request them if we do not have all the ones we need….

Public Policy Update: Tailored Plans, NC Budget, and Medicaid Expansion

Tailored Plans Delayed until October 1, 2023  NC Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) announced that the new Tailored Plans under Medicaid will be delayed again, this time until October 1, 2023. Citing concerns that people would have difficulties using primary care physicians and specialty health care services (“network adequacy”) and that other…

Differences in Autism Presentation Between Siblings

I don’t remember when my parents told me that my little brother was autistic. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know; my memory doesn’t go back that far. He was diagnosed when I was around five or six, per his age of diagnosis at three. I’m a late-diagnosed autistic, not receiving my diagnosis…

Policy: Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead

This article also appears in the Winter 2023 issue of Spectrum.    When you have been advocating for a long time, it can feel like no progress is being made. When we see growing waiting lists and know that services for people with disabilities remain unstaffed, it is easy to lose hope. There is good…

Autism Diagnosis for Adults: Frequently Asked Questions

While many people with autism receive their diagnosis in childhood, others make it to adulthood before recognizing signs and receiving a formal diagnosis. If you are an adult who suspects you may be on the autism spectrum, we’ve prepared this list of questions about pursuing an autism diagnosis.   What are some signs that I…

Pets and Autism: Challenges and Solutions

Pets are an amazing way for autistic children to experience companionship, understand boundaries, share responsibilities, and reduce anxiety. Caring for an animal also provides opportunities to learn new skills — such as patience, empathy, communication — while also supporting an avenue of emotional expression. It’s important for all families to do some research on the…

From Isolation to Community through Employment

Since I wrote my last blog, What’s Speech Got to Do With It?, in 2019, my son, along with the rest of the world, went through a rollercoaster cycle of emotions due to the pandemic, ranging from fear, insecurity, isolation, and utter frustration. His volunteer activities as well as other outside activities came to a…