We are pleased to offer many popular autism webinars in a recorded format. Watch what you want, when you want, for free.
We are pleased to offer many popular autism webinars in a recorded format. Watch what you want, when you want, for free.
This workshop offers a more in-depth look at the four core deficits of Autism Spectrum Disorder, how they may trigger challenging behaviors and how to build on your child’s strength to overcome those challenges.
Identifying stressors, creating a safe space, and some calming strategies to help your loved one.
How to incorporate positive parenting practices into your daily routine to encourage positive behavior and teaching skills.
How to utilize de-escalation strategies and how to develop the skills necessary to prevent these events from occurring in the future.
The critical perspective of individuals with autism and their experience will be highlighted during the panel’s discussion and question and answer session. Strategies for success are also included in the presentation.
A basic overview of practical, evidence-based strategies that caregivers and professionals can apply to help prevent challenging behavior in children, adolescents, and adults with autism.
Understanding HOW to add structure, identifying WHEN to use structure, and what you’ll need to do so.
This webinar provides a basic understanding of problem behavior and why it occurs.
This webinar helps viewers understand strategies that hep prevent problem behaviors.
The aim of this webinar is to differentiate between Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) practice and how ABA principles (the science of behavior analysis) may be used as part of an effective education plan for students with autism.
This workshop is designed to help parents understand key elements in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process in order to best advocate for appropriate school services for their child.
We will define compensatory education and show how IEP teams and sometimes the courts determine which students are eligible for which services.
This brief webinar will provide an introduction/overview to Extended School Year (ESY services). After watching you will understand:
* Definition of ESY services
* Eligibility requirements
* Federal Guidance around ESY
Get answers about Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Learn about their importance, how to navigate the process, and special-education law.
Returning to school from summer break – or any break – can be challenging for autistic students and their families. This autism webinar will provide strategies to prepare your child with autism for a return to school and the associated changes in routine. This autism webinar also will explain to introduce teachers to your child and explain their unique learning style and classroom needs.
Tips and strategies to support your child’s education through online or e-learning. Practical guidelines in 4 parts: Prioritize, Break up the hard stuff, restructure and celebrate.
At the start of developing an Individualized Education Program, parents are asked three questions. Learn how to answer them to build the best IEP for your child.
Part 1 in a 4-part webinar series led by led by a clinician and a parent of an individual with autism.
Part two of a webinar series led by a clinician and a parent of an individual with autism.
Part 3 of a 4-part webinar series led by a clinician and a parent of an individual with autism.
Part 4 of a 4-part webinar series led by a clinician and a parent of an individual with autism.
Explore the four core areas affected by ASD: communication, social interaction, sensory issues, and how an individual may think and learn.
Practical strategies for building communication, social interaction and play skills, and increasing independence in home, program, and preschool settings.
Tips and strategies for improving communication with a young child.
What is ABA? Why is it a source of controversy? Is ABA the same for everyone?
This webinar will explain what modern, best-practice ABA should look like – a treatment plan that is person-centered and promotes goals related to empowerment, independence, and overall happiness. ASNC staff will also discuss common concerns and “red flags” to watch for when investigating providers.
Understanding and choosing what’s best for your child and family can be challenging. Get the facts from experts at the Autism Society of NC, the Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development, and UNC TEACCH Autism Program. This webinar discussion will help you evaluate your options and make an informed decision.
Visiting a healthcare professional can be challenging for individuals with autism and their caregivers. For healthcare providers, understanding autism and the needs of patients with autism can make the experience less stressful and more pleasant for your patient and enable you to provide better care.
This webinar reviews the four core areas of autism and demonstrates a variety of apps that help build skills in these areas.
This training will teach you how to provide information to boys and girls about going through puberty, how to listen, how to model, how to give support, how to answer questions honestly, how to teach new social rules and new hygiene routines, and how to respond in a positive way.
This webinar aims to help employers learn how to recruit, hire, and retain autistic employees. Led by ASNC’s experts, this session will cover autism culture, inclusive hiring practices, and long-term support for employees on the spectrum.
This webinar is intended for family members and professionals caring for individuals who need substantial support in activities of daily living, including personal hygiene, dressing, mealtime, and toileting.
Some stress can be a good thing, but too much can negatively impact your child and you.
Working together as a team helps keep the focus on the needs of the child.
Learn how to help understand loss and manage grief and how advance planning can help your loved one understand death.
Getting a broad picture of the services landscape for individuals with ASD in NC will help parents feel more confident in navigating the road ahead for their child.
ABLE accounts administered by the State Treasurer enable qualified individuals with autism to save without endangering SSDI, Medicaid, and other supports.
Holidays can create anxiety for everyone, especially individuals with autism. This autism webinar provides helpful strategies to decrease holiday anxiety in your loved one with autism.
This workshop discusse the practical considerations that a caregiver may need to make in planning for the future of their loved one with autism after the death of the caregiver. The rationale for early planning as well as how to get started will be discussed.
Learn about general safety considerations, how to be proactive and where to find safety resources.
This webinar is intended for professionals to learn strategies to use to support employees with autism.
While this workshop is targeted to professionals and families who are supporting children in foster or post-adoption contexts across North Carolina and beyond, the key strategies offered here are relevant to many other groups as well.
Learn how to prepare and support a child with autism before and during various community outings such as medical appointments.
Review core characteristics of autism that inform how we address sexuality education – Identify key areas of focus within this topic and provide examples of ways to break down these areas – Identify best practices and resources for teaching skills and concepts related to sexuality
For autism self-advocates: How to identify when things are out of your control and what you can do to cope with that.
Visual schedules can provide individuals with autism much needed independence. This training will cover everything about them.
This webinar offers strategies on goal-setting and ways to avoid setbacks for adults with autism and insight for caregivers and professionals working with individuals with autism.
The speaker is an autistic adult who has a long career in the field of education.
What is autism guardianship? Who needs it? How do you set it up? What are the alternatives? This workshop will help parents make decisions for their family. SSI is also covered.
Learn about non-academic skills essential for college success and independent living, and ideas for working on them at home with your child of any age.
Learn how to start planning for the adult phase of parenting a child on the spectrum. Learn about residential options, from independent living to a group setting.
This Webinar will educate parents of young adults with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome about issues related to transitioning into adulthood after high school.
Your child’s 18th birthday brings a flurry of anxiety and activity. This webinar about autism explains what to do when and how to decide what you should do for your child.
Estrategias de comunicación verbal y no-verbal y como construir conexión y motivación.
Estrategias calmantes y afrontamientos para su suceso.
Como agregar estructura, cuando agregar estructura y las consideraciones necesarias al introducir este sistema.
Estrategias para estructurar el día de su hijo para tener mayor éxito.
Comprender y elegir lo mejor para su hijo y su familia puede ser un desafío. Obtenga información de los expertos de la Sociedad de Autismo de Carolina del Norte, el Centro Duke para el Autismo y el Desarrollo del Cerebro y el Programa de Autismo UNC TEACCH. Esta discusión del seminario web lo ayudará a evaluar sus opciones y tomar una decisión informada.
Together, we can help individuals with autism build fulfilling lives and contribute to their communities through their unique gifts.