
Autism Insurance Legislation Introduced in North Carolina!

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North Carolina General Assembly Representatives Chuck McGrady, Tom Murry, Phil Sheppard and Trisha Cotham have introduced NC House Bill 498, titled “Mandate Autism Health Coverage.” The bill would ensure that health benefits plans in North Carolina will provide coverage for diagnostic and treatment services for Autism Spectrum Disorders in individuals in private and state health plans that are covered by North Carolina insurance law. HB 498 has been referred to the House Committee on Insurance, then if the bill receives a favorable report (they vote yes) the bill moves on to the next committee. The procedure is that bill must be heard in those committee and voted on favorably to be considered on the House floor.

We all know it’s the right thing to do, making sure that children with autism get the services they need to be healthy and successful. We also know that it will save money in the long run by promoting independence and less disability. North Carolina should join the other 32 states who now have coverage for autism spectrum disorder!

ACTION: The Autism Society of North Carolina is following this legislation closely and actively working to see it passed, but we need your help to make it happen. More and more Legislators are aware of autism, its impact and the need to address the issue even when they don’t completely understand autism spectrum disorder or the services and treatments. You can tell them that insurance coverage is something they can do to help and ask that they pass House Bill 498. Check the bill page and see if your General Assembly House member has put their name on as a sponsor or co-sponsor. Legislative districts changed last year so please be sure to check who represents you currently.

  • If your NC House Representative has sponsored or co-sponsored, please call, email or write them a note thanking them for their support. This is a good time to let them know how much this means to you, your child, those you care about or those you serve 
  • If your NC House Representative was not a sponsor it’s still important to educate them about this bill.  Tell them how much insurance coverage would mean to you and others who care about someone on the autism spectrum and that its time that North Carolina joined the other 32 states with insurance coverage laws.

If you have questions about this public policy issue or others affecting autism, please contact Jennifer Mahan, Director of Government Relations, Autism Society of North Carolina, 919-965-5068 or

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