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ABC’s of Autism Intervention: How Can I Choose What is Best for Our Family?


ABC’s of Autism Intervention: How Can I Choose What is Best for Our Family?

There is no ā€œone-size-fits-allā€ intervention therapy option for autistic children. Each is different in the way it is structured, time commitment, location, and goals.

Understanding and choosing whatā€™s best for your child and family can be challenging. Get the facts from experts at the Autism Society of NC, the Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development, and UNC TEACCH Autism Program. This webinar discussion will help you evaluate your options and make an informed decision.

Join us for an overview of scientifically proven, state of the art intervention services available in North Carolina, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), TEACCH Structured Teaching, and Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention (the Early Start Denver Model).


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