
Asheville Workshop Provides Strategies for Challenging Behavior

Want to learn more about basic strategies to address challenging behavior? If you are in the Asheville area, consider attending the May 20 workshop led by ASNC’s Clinical Professionals.

As professionals working in the field of ASD intervention and as parents/caregivers of individuals with ASD, it is likely that we have all experienced challenging and persistent behaviors. These behaviors come in many forms including aggression, property destruction, elopement, non-compliance, and self-injurious behavior, to name a few. When we experience these behaviors in an individual with ASD, one of the first questions we should ask ourselves is, “What is the individual trying to communicate with this behavior?”  What want, need, confusion, or fear is the individual trying to express? As one individual with ASD stated, “You can’t not communicate. Everything you say and do or don’t say and don’t do sends a message to others.”

Some behaviors take us by surprise and seem to appear without any cause. However, if we operate under the assumption that there is always a reason for the behavior, we are more likely to take the action necessary to change behavior. Changing someone else’s behavior always requires a change in our own behavior first. Join us as we review some of the practical strategies that we can apply to teach better behaviors and to prevent challenging behaviors.


Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behavior

Saturday, May 20, at 9:30 a.m.- 12 noon

Mission Reuter Children’s Outpatient Center 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive Asheville

Register here



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