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Apply for a Free iPad for Communication Needs

The Apple iPad, along with specially designed software, is being donated to families in need by the HollyRod Foundation.

The HollyRod Foundation is giving iPads to children diagnosed with autism who are non-verbal or minimally verbal.  Application deadline is December 31, 2010.What are the eligibility requirements??

1. The individual you are applying for must have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum (as identified in diagnosis report).
2. Reside in the United States of America.
3. Be non-verbal or minimally verbal (as identified in speech pathology report).
4. Be in financial need: Gross income not to exceed $35,000 single income family or $50,000 two-income family (as identified by documentation).
5. Have access to a computer and an iTunes account (some programs must be downloaded on a computer and transferred to the iPad due to size).
6. A professional on your team (i.e., speech pathologist, doctor, teacher) must be willing to take responsibility of the gift card that downloads the applications.

For more information please visit the foundation’s website:

What a great opportunity for a lower cost augmentative alternative communication device (AAC)!  Some AAC devices cost several thousand dollars (although they are also designed to withstand being dropped and otherwise tougher than an iPad).

PLEASE NOTE:  As of early December, the HollyRod Foundation has been overwhelmed with requests and is not able to accept further applications.  They will continue to fundraise and hope to be able to fulfill requests some time in the future.

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  1. Lissette Branick says:

    My son has autism plus brain trauma and is in need for a communication device. I am a single mom unemployed.

  2. asncparentadvocate says:

    Lissette: my understanding is that the HollyRod Foundation was overwhelmed by applications and is no longer accepting them. I would, however, encourage you to contact them directly to see if that is still the case. You might consider alternate sources of funding: your local LME (mental health agency that manages funds for developmental disabilities), First in Families NC, local churches, PTAs, service organizations, etc. Please call a Parent Advocate at the Autism Society for more information (800-743-0204).

  3. Kelly gomez says:

    Me son is 4years old and I was wondering how we can receive a free iPad to help him and so I can teach him to talk with out repeating what he hear\’s. I would love to hear him say I love you mommy on his own! Please help

  4. patricia burgos says:

    Hi i have a 14 year old wit autism he is non verbal and it breaks my hartbthat i cant talk to him! i see it in his face when he gets upset that he cant communct with me and his sister\’s he has a machine in school that talks for him but it cant leave the school ! i cant afford to get him one so i was wonderin if u cant help me ? or how to go about gettin him the i pad? patricia from new york – mommy who want to talk to her baby

  5. sandra beaver says:

    Hi, My name is Sandra Beaver and i have three young children who all have autism and adhd. I stay in Columbus,Ga. Jailyn is 8 yrs. old , Jaivyn who is 6 yrs.old and Jazira who is 5 yrs old and she is non verbal. Im looking to get help with getting a ipad for my little girl. I not working im a single mother of four kids and three of my babies has Autism and ADHD. CAn anyone help me or guide me in the right direction for help with my kids. I dont know what else to do.

  6. mahanjk says:

    Sandra – I am not aware of any current national programs or ones local to Georgia that assist with ipads. I will check again with advocates here to see if anyone has heard anything new.

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