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Autistic Adult Programs & Support

Autistic Adult Programs & Support

Are you an autistic teen or adult looking for support or wanting to become more independent?

Do you want to make social connections and meet other adults with autism?

Do you need help finding a job, keeping a job, or understanding how to explain your diagnosis to your employer?

Would you like to learn more about finances, social relationships, healthy eating, or self-care?

The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) offers programs and support for autistic adults across North Carolina through offices in Asheville, Greensboro, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Greenville, Newport, Wilmington, Camp Royall in Moncure, and IGNITE programs in Davidson and Raleigh.

Services offered through (ASNC) our offices are open to individuals with a diagnosis of autism or Asperger’s Syndrome and focus on different skills depending on your needs. Camp Royall offers various year-round programming and employment opportunities for adults. IGNITE community centers provide young adults with low support needs activities and educational groups that foster independence and social interaction.

ASNC provides support for:

  • After the Diagnosis – what does it mean, what are your options?
  • Benefits  – Which supports are you eligible for and how to apply?
  • Accessing transportation and becoming more involved in your community.
  • Creative expression – Our programs and groups include arts, leisure, and recreation activities.
  • Increasing and improving independent living skills such as healthy eating, exercise, and wellness.
  • Self-advocacy, coping, and self-regulation.
  • Social skills and engagement – via groups and meet-ups.
  • Employment services – including skills assessment, and then job preparation through employment.

In addition to the home and community-based services above, we have a team of Autism Resource Specialists who cover all North Carolina counties and can offer guidance. We also have online resources related to the Adult Journey,

Would you like to learn more? Complete our interest form and a team member will contact you.

“I have learned more about teamwork and friendship, and how those two can help you lead to your planned future.”

-Autistic Adult

Programs & Support Services

Autism Resource Specialists:

Autism Resource Specialists (ARS) are available by email or phone to provide you with support. They can answer questions, find and connect you to resources in your community, and guide you through obtaining services. To connect with an ARS fill out this form

Camp Royall:

Independent adults, 18 and older with high-functioning autism, are invited to spend time at Camp Royall with friends during scheduled weekend retreats. Activities include leisure and recreation at camp as well as community outings. Camp Royall also employs adults with autism in a variety of year-round and seasonal roles. To learn more, visit


Located in Davidson and Raleigh, IGNITE community centers offer activities and educational groups that foster independence and social interaction for young adults who have graduated high school with low support needs and/or Asperger’s Syndrome. To learn more about IGNITE and what it can offer click here.

Skill-Building Supports:

The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) is an accredited Medicaid services provider with all of the LME/MCOs that manage behavioral health needs in NC. We offer services through the Innovations Waiver, IPRS, and Vocational Rehabilitation and we offer private-pay options. These Skill Building and Support Services, which provide one-to-one workers to assist in increasing independence and community integration are available in Asheville, Greensboro, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Greenville, and Wilmington.

Day Programs:

ASNC operates licensed day programs in Asheville (Ascend), Greensboro (Autism Center for Life Enrichment), Raleigh (Creative Living), and Fayetteville (Thrive). Day programs provide a structured learning environment where autistic adults receive the necessary support to develop greater self-sufficiency and more involvement with their community. Day programs offer many activities and opportunities that allow adults to choose what is meaningful for them. Individualized learning tracks are designed for each participant based on their interests and skills. Activities include:

  • Creative exploration and expression through art, horticulture, and culinary activities
  • Social skills training through structured leisure activities, social interaction, and community integration
  • Community outreach and volunteerism
Employment Supports:

Our employment program offers guidance in finding, keeping, and thriving in a job. We offer online JobTIPS classes to help individuals gain the necessary skills for employment. Services are funded through the Medicaid waiver , Vocational Rehabilitation, state-funded services, grants, and affordable private-pay options. Learn more about our employment supports here.

ABA and Clinical Coaching:

Our team of clinical professionals offers a variety of support to autistic adults and their families. Short Term Clinical Consultation can provide coaching and collaboration with adults with autism (and their families) over a short period of time. Our Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) program offers a more intensive treatment approach to help adults if that is desired. Learn more about our ABA and Clinical Services here

Online Supports

The Autism Society of North Carolina helps connect autistic adults via our numerous Support Group Facebook pages and an online Autistic Adults Forum. 


Complete our interest form and a team member will contact you.