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Is Teletherapy Right for You? It Was for Our Family!

Archive for 2020

Is Teletherapy Right for You? It Was for Our Family!

It all started in March 2020. When the pandemic hit, the Governor issued a stay-at-home order, and what started out as a novelty became the new norm. Being a mom to an adult son with autism, I knew the change was going to affect Eric, but I am forever grateful for the benefits teletherapy continues…

Mosaic Pediatric Therapyā€™s #CampRoyallChallenge Raises $25,822 for Camp Royall!

Camp Royall spirit was strong on social media in the past months, thanks to Mosaic Pediatric Therapyā€™s Camp Royall Challenge! Mosaic Pediatric Therapy, which provides ABA therapy services across Charlotte, the Triangle, the Piedmont Triad, and Asheville, challenged camp lovers from across the state to post a video proudly reciting the Camp Royall cheer or…

Finding New Traditions in 2020 While Honoring the Old

The holiday season is fast approaching. Late October is typically when our family starts to coordinate travel plans with extended family. You know, the usual: who will sleep where, who will cook what, what time we should leave the house to start the four-hour driveā€¦ and on it goes. To be frank, we usually do…

Rapid Response Clinical Consultation: A new telehealth service

  Are you an individual with autism in need of targeted, short-term coaching to help you reach your goals? Or, are you a parent/caregiver in need of additional strategies to support your loved one? You might be a good candidate for Rapid Response Clinical Consultation, a new telehealth service offered by the Autism Society of…

Find Your People in an ASNC Chapter

Are you looking for a community of support during these challenging times? Do you wish you could ask questions of other parents or share your childā€™s latest victory with people who will get it? Want to help raise autism awareness in your community? Join an Autism Society of North Carolina Chapter! We have more than…

Parent to Parent, Part 2: Practical Considerations for End-of-Life Planning

In part one of this two-part series, we addressed the fact that parents and caregivers for loved ones with disabilities such as autism will need to plan in advance for their eventual death to ensure the appropriate steps are taken for their loved one in their absence. In abstract terms, this process includes envisioning the…

Parent to Parent, Part 1: Addressing the Hardest Questions of All

Often, parents and/or caregivers of individuals with autism are told by friends and family how resilient we are. While others may see the daily struggles we face, they are probably not aware of the anxiety we may have when we think of the inevitable: the time when we will no longer be here to care…

Setting the Record Straight: Medicaid Waivers, Medicaid Expansion, Medicaid Transformation

Note: The following is a primer on several issues happening at the same time in our Medicaid system. For background information on Medicaid as a whole, and how Medicaid works in North Carolina, please refer to the ā€œMedicaid Basicsā€ information at the end of this post, content re-published from our public policy papers available on…