Prepare Now for Your Best Summer

Archive for 2019

Prepare Now for Your Best Summer

The weather might be frightful, but summer is just around the corner. And what is even more frightful for a parent is turning the calendar page to June and realizing you are not prepared. Many summer programs and camps (including ASNCā€™s own Camp Royall) are accepting registrations now, and many options for individuals with special…

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) 101

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and autism often go hand in hand. ABA has been endorsed by numerous organizations and federal agencies. There is extensive empirical support for its effectiveness. This means that numerous high-quality, peer-revised published studies have demonstrated that ABA techniques produce significantly positive results. Applied Behavior Analysis has been effectively used for the…

Public Policy: Advocacy in 2019 and Beyond

One of the most difficult aspects of advocacy is looking at all of the barriers that one might face and believing, despite all of it, that change is possible. The Autism Society of North Carolina has from the start been dedicated to using advocacy to improve the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and…

Why Do I Get Overwhelmed in New Places?

When I go somewhere new, I am not comfortable. I am very guarded. There are a lot of things that could threaten me. I am not aware of this fear. I am not able to respond to you as I can at home. I am not the person you know when I walk into the…

New Year, New Less-Stressed You

Caring for another individual always comes with stressors. However, caring for an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) comes with its own unique set of challenges that can easily turn into a full-time job. Caregivers commonly fill their days with multiple therapies, meetings, support groups, and extracurricular activities for their loved ones, in addition to…

Overcoming Sensory Challenges

I have four children with autism who have unique sensory processing challenges and needs. Over the past 11 years, my children and I have grown in our understanding of the unique way in which they process the world around them. Before my daughters were diagnosed, I could not understand why they acted certain ways in…