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Preparing Your Loved One for Adult Success

Archive for 2018

Preparing Your Loved One for Adult Success

I have been employed by the Autism Society of NC for more than 20 years, and I can honestly say that we have definitely hit a surge in calls regarding adults looking for meaningful employment as well as parents looking to get their adult children out in the community. Parents of adults typically call for…

Enloe Charity Ball: Alive with Purpose

Finding our purpose in life, what we were meant to contribute to our communities, is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. At the Autism Society of North Carolina, we believe that every person deserves to find their purpose and feel truly alive. The students of Enloe High School in Raleigh have realized that…

Do Less, So They Can Do More

Whether an individual is 2 years old or 42 years old, and wherever they lie on the autism spectrum, a simple but important strategy for encouraging communication, teaching skills, and promoting independence is ā€œdo less, so they can do more.ā€ We know that individuals with autism often need repeated opportunities to master a skill. We…

You Can Help Us Serve Our Families

Direct Support Professionals provide critical support for individuals with autism. Every day, they work one-to-one with individuals with autism, teaching skill acquisition and supporting them in reaching their life goals. In addition to staff, many become trusted friends, natural supports, and honorary members of families. Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are the largest percentage of ASNCā€™s…

Planning for Their Future, Not Just Hoping

Almost daily I speak to a parent about their childā€™s future. Like any parent, they want to know that their child will be taken care of and happy. Every child with autism is unique and so are their needs now and in the future. I wish I had the answers, but I have to ask…

Employing Adults with Autism: You Can Help

The need for employment opportunities for adults with autism is significant; studies have shown that a majority of them are unemployed or underemployed. For individuals on the spectrum, employment not only fosters financial stability and promotes greater independence but also increases self-esteem and provides opportunities to improve social skills, grow a network of friends and…

Build Sensory Kits to Provide Comfort After Hurricane

We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of concern for the families we serve who were affected by Hurricane Florence. Many individuals with autism in parts of North Carolina have been displaced from their homes, schools, or other services. When individuals with autism are in new situations or environments, they can feel uncomfortable, anxious, or…