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Sensory-Friendly Activities Ease Winter Blues

Archive for 2017

Sensory-Friendly Activities Ease Winter Blues

ā€œOh, the weather outside is frightfulā€¦ā€ In these long winter months, many NC families are looking for indoor entertainment. Itā€™s too cold to jump on the backyard trampoline, too icy to run at the park. Many will turn to indoor play areas, shows, and movies. But these are not always good options for families who…

Chef Pepper Jackā€™s Food Drive

When 17-year-old Jack Cullen began to notice people on streets holding signs requesting donations, food, or jobs, he started asking questions. He wanted to understand why they didnā€™t have food or jobs. He wondered whether they had homes or other belongings. The growing concern that Jack displayed led his Autism Support Professional, Holly, to ask…