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Just Tell Me What You Want

Archive for 2009

Just Tell Me What You Want

New Year’s Wishes.

Section 504 Accommodations

If your child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder does not qualify for an IEP (Individualized Education Program), it is possible that he/she might qualify for a Section 504 Plan.  This plan, part of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability.  People who have a physical or mental…

“Dear, It’s About The Children…”

Telling others about your child’s autism.

For You, From momof3au

A visual work system to teach teeth brushing.

My Baby is Your One in Seventy

America is the Land of Opportunity, founded by people who strongly believed if you want something badly enough it can be yours for the taking, with the emphasis on the taking.  Another way of looking at it is the “Smash ‘n Grab” philosophy, often enacted after a “Scatter and Confuse” military tactic ensues.  Let’s leave…

Prisoner on Paper

Handling your child’s official paperwork.

Miscellaneous interesting education-related tidbits:

      The NC State Board of Education is removing the second retest program from EOGs.  The change will be effective in the 2010-2011 school year.   Hurrah!  Why should students who scored a Level 2 be required to take TWO retests?!  Instead, schools will be able to use the first retest results in calculating ABCs and…

Welcome to My World(s)

Struggling with the “culture of autism”.

Autism Hand-Me-Downs

Dear IACC, I love hand-me-downs.  My friends and acquaintances buy the best stuff for their kids.  Our problem is we constantly need to re-shuffle by tossing clothes into the Give Away, Put Away, or Throw Away bags.  They overflow.  Action must be taken.  Much maintenance is needed because the children have the nerve to keep changing…